Following ablation, during the first 3 months did anyone have episodes of prolonged AF eg. 3 to 4 hours?
Following ablation: Following ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Following ablation

From what I've read - it's not uncommon. 3 months in the grand scheme of things is very early days. I got told on numerous occasions to expect certain reactions/recurrences
I agree with that.
It is not uncommon to experience all kinds of rattles and shakes in the first 6 months (or more) post ablation. The scarring which will stop the rogue electrical pathways will take that length of time to heal.
Make sure you are resting as much as you can and don't be tempted to do too much. It all takes time.
Best wishes

Three to six months is minimum healing time so lots of odd things can happen in that time. I had to be cardioverted during one of my post ablation periods as my EP didn't want my heart to stay in AF for very long. I seem to remember that I was still getting loads of ectopics and short runs of tachycardia at eight months but that was seven years ago.
Yes, and I still do, fifteen months on. About once in 6 weeks, just for two or three hours or less. But I'm no longer taking flecainide every day and feel I am so very much better than I was.
Thank you so much everyone for your replies, it's a comfort to know that you are 'out there' x
I do. I'm just over 3 months post procedure and I had a brief episode yesterday. I took an extra flecainide and I was back in NSR within 20 mins. Prior to yesterday I've had several episode lasting no longer than 2 hours. As people state, it's to be expected.
I had my ablation at end of March but lasted in sinus less than 72 hours though EP had told me that in my case he thought that there was no chance it would work first time. Ten weeks to the day I am still in persistent AF and yes I do get thumps and bangs and it racing but as been said this is all part of the healing process.