Hi all, when I first joined this site, somebody suggested an id medical bracelet, well I finally ordered one yesterday, had it engraved, stating af and medication, received it today. So efficient. When I first went on apixaban a year ago, no alert card or information was given to me, so it has been a learning curve.
Apixaban: Hi all, when I first joined... - Atrial Fibrillati...

AF-A have a credit card sized card to place in your wallet for such purposes. FOC,
I have a bracelet engraved re Apixaban too- it wasn't very dear and I think it's better than something in one's wallet which could be overlooked easily if one was in an RTA and unable to talk etc!!
Interesting point really and more than a little complex. I am told that pendants. bracelets and such are OK but medics will always check where possible rather than accept them for gospel. The only one I would entertain costs a lot as you are entered onto a data base with just a secure number on your ID piece. They do watches. rings pendants etc.all sorts of things you can wear or carry. That way there is access to guaranteed information with your medical history rather than having a few things only listed. AF_A had the firm which I think was Medilert or something like that as at early HRC.
Whatever makes one feel happy is fine I guess. I think a tattoo might be a step too far mind. Too much like Belsen for my liking.
Hi Waterlady, I was put on Apixaban in August and given a card and already had a Warfrin alert bracelet so simply asked the company to do a Axipaban warning on a few links and swapped them over.
Unfortunately I left in in Spain last November and will not be back there until next month.
At the presant time in Arizona at my daughters so must carry my wallet when we go out.
Had thought of other methods and SIM card information with complete medical history nothing completely foolproof , it's undoubtedly the way of the future.
Does anyone know if paramedics would look at your phone. On the iPhone even if the phone is locked you can access medical information. This is done by pressing one of two buttons to wake up the phone an then using the slide to unlock and then the number key pad comes up to enter the passcode. On the screen there is an emergency button and when you press that the emergency screen comes up and there is an option at the bottom which states "* Medical ID" in red text. If you press that all the medical information and all the emergency contact information is displayed (assuming that you entered it in the phone!!!). One medic I spoke to knew all about it and how to access.
Does anyone know if paramedics and the emergency services generally know about this facility on iPhones?

I believe you enter the info under ICE. In Case of Emergency. I guess a trip to your local phone shop will reveal the way to do it. Lyons Club have plastic pots which you keep in the fridge with all your medical data in and a sticker for your front door. If a paramedic sees the sticker he goes straight to the fridge for the info. UK only of course. I expect one day we will all be chipped like my four cats! lol
Thanks for additional info on Lyons club.
Re the iPhone I know how to do it (and did so a long time ago) - it is under the health phone app on ios 6 and above (maybe also ios 5). My question is does anyone know if the paramedics would look?
I got a chrome bracelet from Amazon about £10.Med.red alert and
name of anticoagulant,I take Rivaroxaban,wear it all the time.!!
on i phone can do medical alert not just the ICE now. My Pradaxa has a card in each box that in my purse i have a locket and bracelet belt and braces springs to mind
Due to my forgetfulness, I had two dog tags engraved by this outfit aseawards.co.uk/military-st... to hang round my neck.
One has my name and date of birth the other has my medication and dosage all done and posted for £10.50.
Small price to pay to not worry!