Just a quick one...my husband is due to have surgery later in March. He has been told to stop warfarin 7 days prior to the op (hernia). He had two severe strokes eight years ago and I am naturally concerned at him being without warfarin for such a long time. He has af btw. There was a post a couple of days ago referring to "injections" to lessen the risk, should he have a stroke. Can someone explain please, what are the injections and who,should I be talking to about prioritizing their availability.
He is being operated on under NHS, but at private hospital, I would much prefer the general hospital but risk a further wait if I start asking for change. I am fearful of the typical Friday afternoon consultant list, where you are tipped out at the end of the day, whatever your condition and told to,go to A&E if any problems. Bit of a cynic.