I have an unexplained black eye that just appeared without warning I am on Warfarin and wondered if any else has had this happen to them Thanks
A Black Eye: I have an unexplained... - Atrial Fibrillati...
A Black Eye

Hi fran15man
Do you mean a bloodshot eye, or a black eye?
I have had a bloodshot eye twice on warfarin, which is where the Iris literally has it's surface covered with blood, and you should call your doctor or 111. It's probably nothing as even the smallest scratch from some dust can make it looks like you're been 3 rounds with Mike Tyson, but let your GP check it out.
If you mean a black Eye (outside the eye bruising around the eye socket) then I would certainly call your GP, not heard of that one, and it needs to be examined.
Good luck and be well
Thanks Beabcounter it's not a bloodshot eye I have had that beore it's outside the eye I have seen the Dr and have had a INR test this morning and will get the result tomorrow The Dr couldn't explain what had caused it only that I am on Warfarin and Pred she examined my eyes and justsaid nothing else she could do Thanks for replying
I had unexplained bruising on Warfarin sometimes but it cleared up quickly- don't worry it's not getting any bigger
Yes I got a black eye to day on top of my right eye lid I have not rub it or banged it I phoned the INR clinch up and they sed cos DN come and do my bloods cos they was fine on Monday so DN are coming on Monday to take my bloods again see if any think wrong but I whent to bed with a bad head and was awake from 2am in morning had a nose bleed and still got bad head just have to see how it gose
Hi Lesley like you I had INR tests when I had my black eye but my bloods were fine and they couldn't come up with a reason so I just had to wait for it to clear up it took about 10 days I hope yours will be better soon