Good morning from Norfolk. UK. Hope all are well. Well 18 days after the Ablation and things are settling down. There have been a few palps here and there however I am told that the Procedure is followed by what they call a ' blanking Period' which is the time of around 3 months to allow the Heart to settle down. The next step is a check up appointment with the Operating Specialist who did the Procedure. I will be attending at the end of March. I definetley feel in a better position than previous, however I find the Psychological aspect is a currently peculiar i.e as I for years almost had a script like negative chain of feelings, worry and thoughts daily it seems that they were ' the norm ' and now I have to be confident to have a new way of thinking as I am still waking up in the morning 'expecting ' the old stuff . Anyway I am 18 days in and growing stronger daily both physically and mentally. I am taking it relatively easy but do enough to earn a few quid. Thanks for advice to all on this forum. Remember, whatever position you are in today can always change for the better tommorow. Cheers Michael xx
Ablation update. Day 18: Good morning... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation update. Day 18

I'm very glad you are doing so well Michael, and best of luck to you. It's always good to have good news...

Thanks eats :-))
Hi Michael, that sounds like a positive start to the new year, long may it continue, John

Cheers John , have a nice weekend
So pleased for you. I agree it is hard to change your mind set. I am still waiting for my first ablation and have already decided I will have to have two! I am however a cup half empty sort of person. It is a good job my husband's cup is always half full or we would be a pair of miserable old ####. Have a good day.x
Hi Mickey, glad things are improving for you. Did you have the new 2 Stage Hybrid Ablation or the normal Ablation. Keen to know as I had Stage 1 of the Hybrid Ablation on 9 December where the outside of the heart is ablated by a cardio thoracic surgeon. I am due to have the inside Ablation in about another 4 weeks by the E P Surgeon. I have to say that at this time I feel worse than I did before stage 1 and my body is just beginning to heal and the bruising almost gone. I am still in AF but they tell me to be patient and things won't improve until I've had Stage 2.