Well it was a six month wait but it finally arrived. I received a phone call from my EP's secretary last Wednesday 19/02/14 and all done by this Tuesday 25/02/14. I am part of a study group sponsored by a company who are promoting using gold plated catheters. The actual procedure was as per a normal ablation but involved me having an MRI scan of my brain pre and post ablation to determine any signs of ACE ( this I think stands for asymptomatic cerebral emboli ). Mr Murray from the Freeman Hospital was very informative with regards to everything involved and the procedure was successful. Of course the next few months will be the acid test so to speak but fingers crossed and lets see what happens. Will update as necessary. One bit of advice from me is take the bull by the horns and don't let AF rule your life. Good luck to everyone.
1st Pulmonary Vein Ablation completed. - Atrial Fibrillati...
1st Pulmonary Vein Ablation completed.

Congratulations! Enjoy!
That's great, hope all goes well from now on.
Yes Mr Murray is a great ablationist! He did mine last December and am now off Bisoprolol and taking it easy. I don't know weather he used gold, silver or even (yes these days they can even use a fibre) aluminium! lol
That's great, good to hear the procedure and everything went well for you, its reassuring for me to hear this I have my PVI ablation in two weeks.
So sending you wishes of a good recovery, fingers crossed.
I was very anxious but that's natural 4charl , obviously I may need another one but not worried now if that's the case. Let me know how you get on. Kind regards.
I'm very anxious too, so it's good to hear you would not be worried to have another, that makes me think it can't be to bad can it? Will keep a watch out for your posts as I will be willing you to do well! Charlotte
Charlotte , my anxiety had to be treated by taking Sertraline which has some strange side effects but it does ease the condition. Don't be afraid of having an ablation, the pros in my view out weigh the cons by a long way. Will keep you posted as to how I'm progressing. You take care and stay safe.
Good wishes for your recovery. Keep us posted we all have a vested interest in your progress!!
Fab photo Ken
Congratulation x hope all continues to go well x
Good to hear that all went well and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Fab news Ken, hope you continue to feel well. X