i had ablation six days ago and feeli... - Atrial Fibrillati...
i had ablation six days ago and feeling really gasesy and sick since the producer i have also had a tight chest has any one experienced this
This is a serious procedure and it will take you a while to get over it. The anaesthetic alone will take a while to fully clear despite what anybody might tell you. If you are worried then ring the specialist nurse at the hospital or the EP's secretary but it is very earl;y days yet. Maybe in a couple more weeks I might worry if you still feel this way but for the first three months anything can happen as you hearty settles down.
Hi jeell40
I had mine 3 weeks ago and I did seem to get heartburn and indigestion a lot more than usual so maybe the tightening in the chest is that. Anyway, the good news is that I am just beginning to feel really good. Had a great experience a couple of days ago - I went for a walk and for the first time in a long time I had no breathlessness. So hang in there as it does get better. I don't know if mine has worked but am staying positive. Are you getting AF or flutters and fast heart beats. I was but seem to be easing up so fingers crossed for you - and me. Good luck and stay optimistic. Marie
Thankyou for the replies i think i am just nervous as i thought this sickness would have ended. I have luckily not gone into AF but i have had a few flutters. I think i am just a bit scared that something will go wrong
Take your time Jeelly, don't forget you should be doing practically nothing for at least the first two weeks. Don't push yourself at all, give your poor old heart all the TLC it deserves after all that bashing about. It can take three weeks to get over the anaesthetic.
It's four weeks since my ablation - I still get flutters as well and like Marie things are settling down. Concentrate on looking for any little positive changes.
Best wishes
Sorry you're having problems and hope you soon feel better. My EP said lots of people seem to have digestive problems post ablation and he routinely prescribes lansoprolol (1 tab each morning for three weeks. It worked for me!
Good luck!
I had an unsuccessful ablatiin 6 Nov. They couldn't trigger the svt but they said I may need a pvi. .hence since thar day ive had flutters daily and felt rough as asthma has flared up..I suppose it needs time to settle but got work on my back now.
Lotto win please
I had my cryoablation on the 4th Nov and I'm feeling so much better now but I'm still a bit wheezy but I feel it's early days yet.
Hi Jeelly,
After my ablation I had a tight chest after using my meds. Each time I took whatever I had to take my chest tightened for awhile, and I got worried. I did see the EP becos of this. They weren't too bothered it was directly related to the meds, You might check see if it happens this way with you.