Hi I have just joined this forum
After being diagnosed with all of the above..
On flecanaide ablation unsuccessful. .
Plus im asthmatic
All these terms being thrown at me at the moment by my cardiologist. .
Scary has anyone else had similar?
Hi I have just joined this forum
After being diagnosed with all of the above..
On flecanaide ablation unsuccessful. .
Plus im asthmatic
All these terms being thrown at me at the moment by my cardiologist. .
Scary has anyone else had similar?
SVT =super ventricular tachycardia. The fast beat is caused by signals coming from above (super) the left ventrical.
PVI =pulmonary vein isolation. What they do when the do an ablation.
AF= atrial fibrillation.The atria quivers rather than pumps. Caused by rogue impulses thought to come from the pulmonary veins. They are the ones bringing blood back to the heart from the lungs after re-oxegenation.
Welcome to the forum and yes it is scary but we do learn to live with it. AF is a long journey but you have excellent travelling companions here. Anything else you want to know I am sure somebody will have an answer. Knowledge is power so read all you can about the condition. AFA have some super fact sheets on the main website.
Hi Sandie and welcome to our forum. Bob has answered your questions really well so I can't really add anything more regarding them. What are your symptoms and are you taking any medication other than flecainide e.g. warfarin? When did you have your ablation?
Welcome to the group
We are suffering similar cases , mine are atrial flutter , SVT, VT
Symptoms , and treatments maybe different , since everyone is unique
We are here helping each other to manage those issues and improve our quality of life by sharing experiences , information and hearing each others in order to get the support we need
Hope you will get the support and benefit you need
Hi thankyou for the replies..
My journey started in May this year ..chest and neck pain palpation waking me up at night.
Gp ran ECG and admitted me straight into hospital.
Another Ecg plus blood tests produced nothing.
2 days later I collapsed at home . vomiting and dizzy..paramedic decided it was indigestion but thankfully admitted me to a and e .
Cardiogist on duty said svt af?
Tests over summer stress tests.scan.angiogram.looper fir 7 days found the svt..
Given aspirin and b blocker.
Tolerate bb as asthma. .
So verapamil ..couldnt function at all on that.
Flecanaide. ..50 x 2 inc to 100 x 2.
Just had an ablation 6-11 unsuccessful. As couldnt trigger arrythmia. However found AF so talking about pvi.
Im off work currently awaiting whether flecanaide will work. See cardio again 20/12
Well thats pretty much my tale sorry long winded.
Main problem for me is nights. I can't sleep.due to drugs and palpatations.
Any ideas anyone ?