Will there be a London 'pink carnatio... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Will there be a London 'pink carnation' offshoot going to the meeting on the 24th. November?

Hi Annaelizabeth.Sorry but I can't make it this year (first missed since it started) but Ian may well be going and he is a member of the club. How about it Beancounter? There is hoped to be a coffee and chat in the morning.
Let me know if you are going- it would be good to meet some of you in person !! I'm going to try to get there in time for the ablation talk in the morning!

Hi everyone
I was in two minds about going to be honest, so much work on at present, and the hotel is a long walk away from any tube station, and if it's cold and raining.....
But I am happy to come along and organise something immediately prior if there is interest? It's on the Southbank, so there's loads of places to meet up and I'll wear a pink carnation again if it helps, but not the pink onesy with bunnies one please
I knew I could rely on you Ian. Have a word with Jo as she wanted to arrange some coffee round tables for chats prior to the meeting. Last year's was good as a lot of those who came early found the morning medical session a bit over their heads and fled to the patient's meeting area. Yes it is a walk from the nearest tube. Last year I got it completely wrong and went over the wrong bridge and had a long walk back. Twit!"
be good to meet but am going to some of the morning talks so wouldn't be able to come to different venue?
Hi Rosy
I'll talk to Jo as Bob suggests and I would be happy to sort out some round table coffee chats at the hotel if necessary
Hi Ian, great site which as helped me a lot. Could you tell me more about this meeting and what I need to do to register to attend etc. Thanks
Hi Elbows
Happy to, there is a post on it on this site which you can find here
Best regards
I would love to come but will be at my mother-in-law's 100th birthday. Not one I could miss!

Hi All
hopeing to come but don't thnk I will make it. The morning sessions are very good but can be a bit high powered. Great for the medically minded among us.