Has anyone had a pace maker for slow... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Has anyone had a pace maker for slow pulse rate and then subsequently had catheter ablation for AF? Be grateful for any feed back,
Yes I have had a pacemaker fitted. Best thing happened to. Me. had had 2 a lagoons before started passing out so was them given pacemaker may have to have ablation at later date c
Ablation not lagoons lol
It is an interesting subject as of course a pacemaker will not stop AF. which occurs in the atria not the paced ventricle. What usually happens for people is that they have the pacemaker and then a few months later have an AV node ablation which renders them pacemaker dependent. They then don;t have fainting or similar problems but the atria can still fibrillate when it wants to without causing problems other than being felt.
bob I was told Pacemaker would not stop Af, I have had pm 5 months but no Af although consultant expects that I will need Ablation at later date
I had PM fitted in July 2012, for slow pulse rate, down to 40 at time of me passing out on numerous occasions;this was because of sinus node syndrome, I also had A/F so am medicated for this, I have never been considered for ablation !
I have a pacemaker fitted in January 2012y because my pulse dropped to 40 also! I now sit around 60bpm's and never get any lower. My highest reading has been 275bpm's. Since being on Amioderone it has kept the AF in check with only a pulse rate of 75 when in AF, I can be out walking and be in NSR and not have any problems at 90bpm's, then I will be sitting at home reading and feel the pulse running up and down between 60 and 75 whereas before it would be bouncing around 180. As my cardiologist said that Amioderone is the last lot of meds I am on as the rest wear off, the heart gets used to them, then an Ablation has been scheduled for late Dec early Jan.