Poollover is still here; in fact, I just finished my 4th round of Docetaxel. Nasty stuff. My biggest problem is I get mouth spores. Any suggestion with how to deal with them. 88 in 4 months, I hope.
Age and chemo.: Poollover is still here... - Advanced Prostate...
Age and chemo.

a bottle of “magic mouthwash “ is what I use. It is a prescription and mine has four ingredients and you swish and swallow. Without it I get mouth sores that get pretty bad.
Sorry to hear that Mouthsores are a SE after doectaxel. I just had my 5th treatment of docetaxel and am not getting mouth sores. I don't drink any alcohol. I eat a light smoothie early the Day of treatment. My treatment ends by 11am and then only drink filtered WATER so my energy is not diverted to digestion until LATER that night when I have a light dinner.
Perhaps ask your Dr about a Probiotic. I also take a high-quality probiotic after chemo for weeks, with food, it has a coating so it doesnt dissolve in the stomache but makes it all the way to the intestines for best help with healthy gut-bacteria.
If you don't make much SALIVA some guys take, OraCoat XyliMelts Dry Mouth Relief Moisturizing Stick-On-Melts with Xylitol that are sold on Amazon.
Good luck to you
Glad to see your post after long 😊
Are you taking low dose of the chemo ? Do you know what dosage ?
Hugs 🤗
When I was on Docetaxel my Oncologist recommended a very simple homemade mouthwash: boil water ( about two cups )and dissolve a teaspoon of kitchen salt in it . Let it cool and use about 6 times a day . Worked for me .
Chew on ice cubes during the infusion. This can prevent the mouth sores.
Where I am (Canada) Biotene mouthwash is big with chemo patients. I bought some before my Docetaxel but never ended up needing it. If they don't carry it where you are, research the product and see if a product with similar ingredients is available where you are.
Ice chips during the infusion can help. Deglycerized licorice tablets help the lesions heal quicker if taken as soon as you feel them coming on. Suck on a tablet every few hours. Get the tablets, not the capsules. They can be found at any health food store (Whole Foods) under "digestive remedies".
Though bothersome, they resolve quickly once you have completed the chemo course.
Good luck!
Just ask your Oncologist to call in a prescription for it. It is made up on a case by case basis each time so it may take a day or 2 to prepare. It work like a charm and your Oncoligist should know exactly what to order up. You are right….the mouth sores are almost unbearable. You may want to ask your Oncologist to order a WBC when you have active sores. You may be low on white blood cells due to the chemo. The reason this concerns me is that I’m currently hospitalized due to a condition called neutropenia. Not a fun journey, but you are with a great group of men and ladies on this site. Take care, and you’re in my prayers. Jim.