Just trying to process all the information
this is a lonely path: Just trying to... - Advanced Prostate...
this is a lonely path

you have over 21,000 brothers and sisters here
we are here!!
Lots of info out there for sure, but you are not alone!
Take action. Make lifestyle, exercise, and dietary Changes.
Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but don't quit.
- Conrad Hilton
Ask questions to this group and you will get the best answers experience can by.
Also the search function is really good so use.
All the best brother where here for ya.
We are here to listen. And whatever you go through, someone else here has been through it too!
You have my sympathy Polarbear73 - if you’re newly diagnosed it’s a frightening time & not a path any of us would choose. At first you’re never away from the medical guys & your body doesn’t seem to be yours anymore, you’re coming to terms with an uncertain future and there’s a new language to learn around this disease and treatments. Try to maintain hope - many guys (now your brothers) have lived happy lives for many years with Advanced Prostate Cancer. This is a wonderful place to gain knowledge and get great answers to your questions & , as importantly, realising you’re not alone. Good luck my brother
This is a great group Polarbear. People from all over the world on the same pathway, supporting each other, helping each other. Diagnosis is a tough time but it does get better, honestly. Check if there is a local prostate group that you can attend, either in person or online. Exercise. Can you link in spiritually with a local pastor. I found a therapist who was really supportive. Good luck mate.
Fill out your profile with your diagnosis info. The members here offer so much support and info!💙
I agree. When my husband was formally diagnosed in 2020 it was very lonely. We really had no one to turn to and his doctor had misdiagnosed him for 3 years. No one else we knew had been through what we were going through.
This group has been wonderful. I wish I had found the group earlier on, but so glad I finally did.
A year ago I was exactly where you are.
Listen to your Doctors, and read everything yo can find. Harvard Medical School puts together an annual report on Prostate diseases, Go to their website and get a copy of it. Will cost you $25.
Listen to the Warriors on this site, They will talk about exercise and diet and such. These are not idle discussions. They will help you thru the side effects of the multiple procedures and medications you will be subjected to. They work. The more you learn and implement, the better your quality of life will be.
I walk every morning, Then 3 days a week of weights at the local YMCA. My weight is stable and I still have my energy due to this.
This whole thing is life changing, best wishes to you on your journey and tell us about it occasionally.
Details, test results, and times please
If you ask a specific question you might get an answer. Isn't all of life a lonely path?
I felt the same way. When I was first diagnosed in Sept. 2020, I used to say to those closest to me that even though I was surrounded by friends, family, and faith, in the end it is still a very lonely thing. The good news is that you adjust and that feeling of loneliness passes with time. So, don’t get too hung up in it. The support here has helped me tremendously.
I found a book "Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer" by Dr. Patrick Walsh v ery helpful in understanding my disease, the metrics for measuring efficacy of treatments and my treatment options.
I would suggest you buy this book and start following postings here, search online from reputable websites of major research university hospitals and organizations, including: Mayo Clinic, UCSF, Sloan Kettering, Johns Hopkins, Prostate Cancer Foundation, MaleCare, Zero Prostate Cancer, NIH studies, etc.
Informing yourself will help put your situation in perspective and ease your anxiety some. It takes time to process, not just information, but your radically changed reality and how it may impact your everyday life and physical and mental health.
Also post your statistics here: Gleason Score, when you were diagnosed, the status of your disease (hormone sensitive, castrate resistant, metastasization, etc.) treatments you have had and what your MO and RO may be recommending now.
It gets better once you begin to understand the bigger picture. It is still scary at times but often not as dire as you may imagine.
Reply to j-o-h-n. You will never be lonely again. Groan jokes forever. j-o-h-n and Tall_Allen are the 2 greatest on this site. (my opinion, i am not a doctor) Tall_Allen will tell you like it is. j-o-h-n will tell you how it should be. I mean, "How i laughed my way to hospice", and so many more. And it never ends. Ever. They told me 1 and a half to 2 and a half years. That was 7 and a half years ago. Don't forget to live. Put your ruby slippers on and go dancing.
So a Polarbear and his little cub are urinating in the men's room when he notices a Coca-Cola Polarbear advertisement on the wall "Coke, the pause that refreshes" and turns to his cub and says "The hell with Coke, this is the pause that refreshes".
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Wow! I've just learned from all of the replies to your initial post, just want to cast of characters there are up here. I think the good news is everybody is really willing to help.
I feel the same way. I feel like a spaceman who has broken his tether and is floating slowly away, getting smaller and smaller until - blip - I disappear. I feel my sense of self is being destroyed and I'm helpless to stop it. I feel like I'm in a Stanley Kubrick movie.
Dude, this is The Place with these "Band of Brothers" and those Sistas too, for info on Treatments, Side Effects, Clinical Trials, and of course jokes (eg how ur balls are now GrapeNuts)
I'm coming up on my 10yr Cancerversary this Oct when PSA was 552.2 and been on here since like 2016ish. I try and post QoLing (Quality of Life) trips, adventures, outings and Food Porn😜 to uplift and inspire guys to get out of the F'in darkness of PCa and experience the Beauty that's out there. Experiences > possessions
Also an annoying amount of music videos 😆
My PCa journey: zerocancer.org/blog/ive-bee...
Please post ur data so that we can better advise, not everyone here is undergoing the same treatments and have the same SEs
Fight on
QoL on
Welcome to the Brotherhood💙
...annoying amount of music videos"......😜😛🤪😝🤣😂.......but never too much ice cream!
Nom nom Ice cream babee, but alsoyoutu.be/-_A1BqebtZs?si=NWW...
Rock on y'all