metastatsis symptoms: Hi, I was Dxd... - Advanced Prostate...

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metastatsis symptoms

Messiah6980 profile image
14 Replies


I was Dxd in 2004 with PSA of 4.7 ant a Gs of 3+4. I did 3 xADT for 18 months.

Slowly my PSA has crept up to 5.9. My T is 350. Im 85 and have some joint paint issues. I want to

make sure Im not metastasized. I dont know what pain I would feel say with a lesion somewhere.

I would like to do a PSMA test but Im not sure my Dr would write a script for it?

Thank you , DOM

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14 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

What is "3 xADT"?

You did not have surgery or radiation? Which joints hurt? Your doctor would probably agree to a bone scan/CT.

Messiah6980 profile image
Messiah6980 in reply to Tall_Allen

It's triple antiandrogen therapy also known as hormone therapy. Zoladex , Casodex and Finasteride. It's Medical castration.

Messiah6980 profile image
Messiah6980 in reply to Tall_Allen

My right knee mostly. I also have severe carpal tunnel syndrome. It sounds like I,m a hypochondriac. Im 85 and I know higher PSA is allowed. No rapid increases in PSA.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Messiah6980

Knees are very rarely affected by bone metastases early on.

Messiah6980 profile image
Messiah6980 in reply to Tall_Allen

No surgery or radiation or chemo.

Balylone profile image

It is always difficult to be sure pains are coming from metastasis. In my experience, mets were hurting inside bones, in places where you have no reason to feel pain : a rib, the upper corner of my hips. Very different from a joint pain.

My pains were not permanent.

container profile image

I really think that at your age there is little need to do anything. You had a gleason 3+4 I would live your life and stop worrying about it. Whatever is going on it is unlikely to grow fast enough to hurt you. I'm 66 with a 3+4 and a psa of 9 and have opted to do nothing because whatever they offer will do more harm to my quality of life than it will help. I check my psa once a year and until I see a sudden jump I refuse to worry about it. If I had it to do over I never would have had that damn test. My PSA went over 4 12yrs ago now. If I had let them have their way 12 yrs ago I would have been living with the consequences of radical surgery or radiation all these years with little chance of an increase in life span. At least for me it wasn't worth it.

Mgtd profile image
Mgtd in reply to container

Good point but the radiation arm of possible treatments has vastly improved in those 12 years so do not throw the baby out with the bath water.

WisdomSeeking profile image

As Tall_Allen said - bone scan and CT scans are cheaper than PSMA scans. So if your doctor wouldn't approve a PSMA scan, he could agree with bone scan / CT scan. If it would be from prostate cancer then it could show on such scans. Or possibly on a MRI.

Have you ever had a bone scan / CT scan / MRI for prostate cancer?

Messiah6980 profile image
Messiah6980 in reply to WisdomSeeking

Yes I had the CT/bone scan in 2004. It was ok. I dont recall an MRI. The deal with him is he is very conservative and wont necessarily comply with my wish to have a scan without a good reason. I have to say my wife wants it!!!lol He does that with the PSA test too. He figures what can you do for it anyway?...He is narrow minded sometimes. You have no idea how you have helped me. I havent really been involved with the new stuff. Thank you and God Bless You

Wongle1 profile image

with a lesion I don’t think there would be pain my hubby didn’t have it just different symptoms depending on where the lesion was usually I would think in your lungs but don’t quote me he had a lot of bone pain as it had spread to his bones just go back to your specialist and get some answers good luck xxx

Messiah6980 profile image
Messiah6980 in reply to Wongle1

Thank you very much for your input.

Anatalya profile image

My husband's first symptom that he went to see doctors about was a pain in the "sitting bone" (ramus) on the left pelvis. It was painful, tender to the touch (very!) and ached constantly and would wake him up nights. We thought it was arthritis or maybe even a fracture that had been undetected. He was only 49 at the time and hadn't had a PSA check so the lesion and associated pain was the first indication he had cancer.

Messiah6980 profile image
Messiah6980 in reply to Anatalya

Thank you very much for sharing. I was dxd at 65 and did hormone therapy which will work if the cancer is still in the prostate. Im 20 years out and 85. I worry about everything!!!

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