I will have to dig deeper to find the 4 clinical trials mentioned, but here is the text "Each tumor has its own distinctive molecular identity. Treatment, therefore, should be tailored to this unique cancer phenotype. Theragnostics uses the same compound for targeted imaging and treatment, radiolabeled to an appropriate radionuclide, respectively. Gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPRs) are overexpressed in prostate cancer, and radiolabeled GRPR antagonists have shown high diagnostic performance at staging and biochemical recurrence. Several GRPR-targeting theragnostic compounds have been developed preclinically. Their translation into clinics is underway with 4 clinical trials recruiting participants with GRPR-expressing tumors."
Mistery therapy: Gastrin-releasing pe... - Advanced Prostate...
Mistery therapy: Gastrin-releasing peptide receptors s target for PCa

Maybe this one? claritypharmaceuticals.com/...
This one looks very promising, Bombesin Away!
My husband has 3mg of melatonin every night which is very good for calming down the gut I had covid and my gut was going crazy with IBS type symptoms I had just gone to bed so I thought its going to be a long and difficult night I'll have some of my husbands melatonin I chew it and had a bit of water then minutes later unexpectedly my stomach just completely calmed down it was incredible
Unfortunately the Medical Board has found you guilty of practicing medicine without a license (melatonin chew) therefore you will serve a term of a 5 year sentence of not criticizing your husband (especially his driving and TV preferences, p.s. he gets the tv remote first)....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.