Update on my dad’s biopsy results. Again, I am so appreciative of this groups response to my first post, I am interested in hearing any optimism (please! Hanging by a thread here), guidance… anything at this point. We are new to this “club” and just getting started.
Gleason score 4+4
12 cores taken, 6 had cancer
Clinical Stage T3b or T4
Type is adenocarcinoma
MRI said involvement of seminal vesicals
MRI showed lymph node “lit up”
The urologist is recommending radiation vs surgery at this point as they think it’s spread. They are referring him to Radiation Oncologist. He is booked for a bone scan next week, and the CT was ordered (will also get PSMA PET). After CT, they will start him on hormone therapy (I guess they don’t want to start it right now incase it shrinks cancer, making it less visible in the scans to check spread). They are also going to do genetic testing.
We are in Canada (Toronto area), but willing to travel to the US to a centre of excellence. Any recommendations? I know they (my parents) were interested in surgery (or whatever yields the best results), but sounds like it isn’t an option it has spread. What about da vinci robotic surgery? Proton ration therapy?
Thank you again