Cytomegalovirus promotes proliferation and survival of prostate cancer cells and constitutes a possible therapeutic target
Cytomegalovirus: a new target? - Advanced Prostate...
Cytomegalovirus: a new target?

Good post reasonable approach. Thank you
I looked up the name...... turns out he's a distant cousin of mine......Yiasou..
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 11/28/2023 6:06 PM EST
I figured Pca was caused from a virus 🦠 just like cervical cancer ♋️ is. Wow it’s just amazing to me there were only two responses to your post, when in all actuality this is probably the cure to Pca. I have always wondered if acyclovir would b effective in killing Pca but now know it’s not strong enough, where as it looks like the marcylovir is. That’s why I’m probably having such good results w ivermectin’s antiviral efficacy but now May explore more into this drug as it seems to target 🎯 directly the virus 🦠. Also, curiously none of the so called experts will look into this, especially the one that thinks he has all the answers, except for the cure. Thanks for posting Maxone n hopefully a lot of the more intelligent people will look deeply into this n possibly cure themselves…
Wait wait…correlation is not causation (sometimes it is) so let’s wait before talking about virus as a cause. But it’s surely a promising target.