Link to an article on AMG 509
AMG 509: Link to an article on AMG 50... - Advanced Prostate...
AMG 509

Be curious if any Stage III trials are planned.
Phase 1 is still recruiting
I'm in that AMG-509 trial. According to what I was told recently, Amgen is now stopping recruiting more patients because they reached the planned number of participants.
Ok! How is it going?
In my case it generates a lot of hard to bear side effects like continuous fatigue, bone pain, cough irritation, a stiff and hurting neck, heavy sweating during the night, often a headache. My PSA is fluctuating between 150 and 240, so that's not a reliable marker. But CT and bone scans show a stable disease, so my bone metastases neither get worse or shrink.
ok phase 1 but, if I can ask, we’re your Mets progressing before the trial?
Good article, thanks Mag...
Thku. Very interesting read
Thanks Magnus,
I read MyPK’s comments above. Not super encouraging.
But….there is another guy on this site that was a very early recruit who raved about his excellent results. Many asked about his experience and most had not heard of AMG509. Hopefully he will see this and jump in. If I knew his name I would say, but do not remember. My thought at the time was Lucky Dude.
"I read MyPK’s comments above. Not super encouraging. "
Amgen certainly needs to work on the toxicities before they go into Phase 2 trials at some point. And as a patient I would not look primarily at the PSA value. What really counts is an improvement in the imaging.
It’s been a while since I’ve chatted here. After seeing the posts, I thought I would share my AMG509 treatment history. Started Jan 2022 at dose of 0.1. PSA rapidly declined to undetectable. Treatment was weekly infusion. Side effects included several rashes and a few aches but nothing that wasn’t cleared up quickly with some triamcinone acetonide cream. After about a year on the trial I developed pain in my head and jaw. It worsened over time. Dr figured out that I suffered from arterial vasculitis. By this time the pain was severe. Steroid treatment got rid of it but there was suspicion that the AMG contributed to this. I was removed from the trial in March 2023. As of Nov 2023 scans and bloodwork, my PSA is still undetectable and Mets are stable. However Nov scans showed enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. More tests soon.
Thank you for sharing your AMG-509 experience. May I ask if you had a lot of bone metastases at the time you entered the trial? When my AMG-509 treatment started, I had stopped counting my mets at 75. I'm treated with a dose of .75 and that leads to several treatment-related adverse events.
I was never given quantities of Mets. Usually only locations. Interpreting a bone scan is way over my head. It seems to me that a “black” spot that shows up on a bone scan is not confirmation of cancer. I had one large “black” spot on my femur biopsied twice. No cancer cells were found.
Thank you for your reply. Sounds like your case is very different from mine, so not comparable.
One day after the 30th infusion, severe, almost unbearable pain developed in both shoulders. During the night, I could have screamed out loud with every movement. Pain-relieving tablets hardly brought any relief.
In addition, AMG-509 sometimes causes jaw tightness, which makes eating difficult.