The intent of this post is “ of course “ a fun QOL casino experience but a “ very “ realistic and satisfying casino experience without traveling to a casino and / or spending gobs of gambling money. This will also set you up, experience wise, to go into any casino and play 3-card poker , expertly, as well. ( 3-card requires essentially no complicated mental work. It’s VERY simple to play )
This doesn’t use rinky dink gambling apps or one of those gambling sites that allow free use of their web based gambling site. ( tho the later can be a really good alternative ) and this method can be modified to fit the ( free ) online gambling experience. No cheesy plastic chips or Monopoly money etc. .
So …… you need : A pack or set of that ( very ) real looking $100 bills from Amazon ( $8 ), a good quality home card gambling poker chip set with “ real “ 11gm chips in the standard casino colors ( many people already have a chest of authentic poker chips and decks at home ). You need one of those ONO game card shuffler’s ( probably a lot of you already have this too if you had kids ) , $18 bucks on Amazon . Your smart phone or tablet ( or table top pc ) for playing authentic ambient casino sounds from YouTube , and displaying authentic 3-card pay outs ( there are many, it’s easier to just reference them on your device when a payout is in progress ).
Also you need snacks and a pitcher of Bloody Mary’s, beers …or whatever your favorite beverage is, delta-8 gummies highly recommend as well to heighten the fun experience.
I simply love playing mindless ( very easy ) 3-card poker but it can drain your wallet very quickly sometimes ( most of the time ? ). I love casinos too but since I’m in a wheelchair , traveling / weather can be problematic. You can win a couple thousand dollars , very quickly, sometimes and there is nearly a constant flow of small win payouts to keep it fun and active. If you are home in heavy winter weather ( we don’t have that here ) , you can do this and have the fun still … plus it makes a “ great “ fresh poker night for family and friends. The realistic fake money really ads authentic play.
This is the set-up: you have your ( inexpensive) card shuffler on the table…. One or two packs of standard cards , your real looking fake money split between players … You have “ casino ambient sounds “ streaming YouTube music/ sounds cued up on your phone or tablet ( you can upgrade this by “ casting “ your YouTube stream to your big screen TV / sound system ) and , of course, your chest of REAL poker chips to play with. The whole intention is to make this as realistic / satisfying as a real casino.
And finally serve your beverages to enhance the casino realism and tune up your own mental ambiance yayaya. I highly recommend delta gummies too.
I don’t recommend chinching on “ any “ of the accoutrements because the intention is “ satisfying realistic authenticity “. Real casino play, in your home without the zillions of dollars lost playing yayayayya. You only pass that “ satisfying realistic “ using realistic play. ( no plastic chips, real poker chips with weight and heft ) , real ( looking - feeling ) money …. real casino ambient sounds
, shuffler etc. one to 9 people , or more, can enjoy this play at one time too. It’s worth every effort making this authentic, it’s very satisfying- rewarding … and you let your player/s keep the realistic money , if they win, to bring next time …..actually adding intrinsic value to the money.
Have fun brothers …
I’m a pretty serious gambler sometimes and it takes earnest play to be satisfying to me. I’ve discovered a point/ threshold , with 3-card .. this method , where it is actually satisfying and alleviates my need / desire to go the casino as much to play ( a high bar to be sure ) to enjoy this game fully … of course you can modify this as you want, but experiencing that place - point where it becomes casino level fulfilling, is well worth the effort.