I am exploring The Villages, Florida, staying here until August 26. If anyone on this Forum living here is up for a chat over a cup of coffee or meal on PCa, life in general or whatever, please message me.
The Villages, anyone?: I am exploring... - Advanced Prostate...
The Villages, anyone?

I live in The Villages call 305-five six two -6080
Funny to see Villages mentioned here. Watched the documentary "Some Kind of Heaven" just recently and then started following news there... villages-news.com/
It's has a lot of humidity and heat in the summer. I'd consider it during the winter.
You've been fucked once already ...why do you want to be subjected to the most horrible HOA's in existence?
We live in Ocala and work in The Villages. Have lived here over 30 years. Urologist and RO are in The Villages. Welcome!
We rented for 4 winters in the Villages and this year bought a home. It is the the friendliest and most fun spot we have found. More activities to stay active and interest groups than you can imagine. There is a prostate cancer support group that meets monthly. Nothing more relaxing than taking a golf cart to the downtowns in the evenings. We plan to be there seasonally avoiding the summer heat. The "year rounders" say the summer heat is easier than winter snow up North.
Hi FlyJ my retired Ortho surgeon provided me with a link to owners renting properties. It's a bit confusing to me. Which are the better neighborhoods? I don't need much space, thanks
Everyone who we know down there seems to think their area is the "best". Being close to your favorite downtown and also grocery markets are important. The older areas have more established landscaping and I think "look" better. Being close to a regional rec. center might be important depending on the activities you enjoy. Hard to pick a bad spot.
I was skeptical and judgemental for a long time...until I went to visit. Our friends who live there are active, involved, vital, socially engaged, happy! The summers are sticky but everything is air conditioned. You can find people of every political persuasion. It is VERY white (my only reservation....but I'm a "city girl" from the north and I like diversity". ). We live in Wilmington, NC now and we really like it.
Wilmington is nice but Wrightsville Beach is so over developed. No parking and no beach access. Where do you go to the beach? Eons ago I went to ECU so I know all the Outer Banks etc.
When you say it's very white do you mean there is a lack of people of color or does that also include the LBGTQ community? To me it really sounds racist when you say it's too white as if you have a problem with white people. Do you believe that non-whites are not welcome at The Villages? My wife is Latino and I would hate to move her into an area that is very white and may be a bastion for racism.
The villages leans very far to the right. If your politics is that way you may like it.
Homeowners Regulations mean you are heavily regulated as to what you can do on your property.
You get around for the most part in golf carts on golf cart paths.
A visit and you'll see the retirees partying like college students.
I would move there if I could just get in to some good basketball games or real baseball games for my age group (70). I would even consider golf. I donated all of my retirement funds without my consent so not likely to happen. I did find the place like Epcot for adults, too much sameness and sterility but I'm not a rich republican (or democrat either). Sounds like you made some connections so enjoy. I live in Atlanta and had (Viewray MRIidian) MRI-linac at Moffitt in Tampa and made a short visit after. Working on BPH complications I should have dealt with beforehand but making the best of it!
I'm close to the villages in Del Webb on 441. I'm always up for a chat
Venture over to Daytona--Land of the Rising Sun.
Florida, God's waiting room.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 08/13/2023 4:17 PM DST
Look up esimoney.com and then search the villages. He has done an extensive review of the villages. It’s a financial blog, but he writes about other things.
I live outside the villages on 441 in eight year veteran currently in a drug trial in Sarasota. I'm usually home Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
Sounds good. Would Thursday this week suit you, e.g. around 10 a.m. or so? I am less than 10 miles from you, in the northern part of The Villages, and my host can drop me off at your place.
Not so sure I want to drive behind 80 year olds all the time. But a friend’s father retired there a few years ago. While moving in, it was only ten minutes before the “Casserole Brigade” began showing-up! First question was usually, “Welcome to the Village! Are you married?” Many, many women whose husbands have passed, and they got the business/insurance/life savings. Only thing missing? Available men! Her dad says he is getting more @ss than a toilet seat in his 80s!