Dont remember seeing this on here yet. I guess one weighs increased risk of dementia vs stopping PC. Wouldnt want to be in that position. I remember back before my SRT went on Bicalutamide for one month before SRT started and then stopped when I read that is also linked to dementia. Crap.
Second Gen ADT Drug Issues: Dont... - Advanced Prostate...
Second Gen ADT Drug Issues

It doesn't say "dementia," it says "cognitive toxic effects." Such effects can include trouble concentrating. Most such effects are low grade. Even so, incidence is low.
"Across 4 studies with a combined enrollment of 5267 patients, cognitive toxicities of any grade affected 2% to 8% of patients in the antiandrogen groups and 2% to 3% of those in the control groups."
Everyone responds differently to ADT drugs. I was on 3 different drugs fore decades. I don't think it impaired my mind.
My grandfather was on lupron from 1988 to 2009. He did the NYT crossword puzzle each day in pen, golfed, ran his community board- was sharp as a tack until he passed in 2010. Everyone's body reacts differently to treatments and in many cases, benefits far outweigh risks.
That's encouraging to an almost 5-year Lupron user.
If I have any mental decline while on ADT I think it’s more likely caused by the fatigue I feel. At times it’s hard to concentrate when tired.
Been on Lupron I think 15 years....definitely not 51 years.........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 07/09/2023 5:48 PM DST
I see lot of posts about being on ADT for years and years. Again, the article is about the next gen ADT, so if you are using the ones the articles talk about, I would be interested to hear your experience. Yes it is a simple choice on lesser of two evils, as is common in PC journey.