For those of you who elected HDBT + EBRT + ADT as your primary treatment, did you experience any pain in you butt cheeks months after your treatment? It has been 6 months since I finished my EBRT, which or course, followed my HDBT. Lately, I have been experiencing discomfort in my butt cheeks. It is natural for me to rub the area in an effort to locate the specific area. Although I can not locate the specific area on the outside, rubbing the butt cheek bones seems to alleviate some of the discomfort. Anyone experience this? Did the irradiation cause inflammation to my butt bones closest to the prostate?
Pain in the bottom after HDBT + EBRT - Advanced Prostate...
Pain in the bottom after HDBT + EBRT

More likely than not, the joint pain is not related to HDR-BT/IMRT, but could be related to ADT due to a small amount of bone loss causing the joints to ache. I had the same treatment four years ago, and after one year on ADT I had some joint pain along with some bone loss identified by a DEXA scan showing I had osteopenia.
After my course of IMRT I had some irritation to the butt cheeks. I applied body cream after every shower and it cleared after a couple of weeks.
I had HDR-BT, EBRT (VMAT which is similar to IMRT) and ADT about a year ago. I have slight pain in my tail bone after sitting for long times but nothing general in area. RO doesn't feel it is related to the HD or EBRT but I had a DX image taken today just to see if there is anything noticeable. I tend to agree with timotur as to the possible cause (in my case at least).
i had LDBT and have some different/discomfort feelings .. i guess on the bones all around the A-hole. Its getting better.. sloowwwly.
Right after, it was still uncomfortable sitting on the prostate area. Now find myself sitting directly on it sometimes.
10 months out.
Thanks for your feedback. From the advice from others, I have been trying to exercise as much as possible. It seems the more I increase the intensity of my exercise, the more my ass discomfort becomes. I have been sick with a cold now for several days and unable to exercise. During this time, my ass discomfort has improved, although still noticeable. Perhaps the two are somehow related. Idk.
well, in any case, you were cooked up medium rare... so.
But yes, i am also concerned. We are in new territory and anything weird draws the attention.