At present I'm on Pluvicto. When that fails will go on Cabzataxal. What is available when that fails.

Xofigo. PARP+zytiga.
Have failed Zytiga. Parp is only relevant if there is a genetic history. Thanks for replying.
You asked what will be available later:
Here are some trials at PeterMac you could take part in:
How many rounds have you had of Pluvicto? It's not working for you?
Admittedly, I am a bit of a special case since I can't tolerate continued ADT so therefore can't be declared (and probably aren't) castration resistant. However, in an effort to still find an SOC therapy my MO had my original biopsy tissue analyzed for DNA problems for which PARP can be used. Unfortunately, the DNA analysis did not show any mutations for which treatment is eligible (or any at all actually). In addition, my insurance refused to cover the DNA analysis. This is not a big issue because my MO submitted my case to a company called Foundation which agreed to fund the analysis 100% should my insurance refuse. I have the authorization but will have to see if it works in the end. The bill submitted was $5,800.
PARP (as I understand it) would therefore not be of any use for my cancer.
Two potential issues then: your insurance may or may not cover the cost of the analysis and the analysis may be negative for DNA mutations for which treatments are available. I think a lot of people would want to, and be able to, afford the analysis if they had to. I would if it had a better likelihood of having the specific mutations, and, the success rate of the treatment was higher.
The side effects noted in the first publication were significant. The paper was published in 2019 so not sure how up-to-date the findings were. I would have expected a more recent trial would have been done and the results published since then. Given the state of getting funding for trials it would not be unusual for a new trial to happen.
This is just notes on my situation, as I understand it, which may or may not be correct.