to those who are still very active, what exercises seem to work best for you? I am in my fifth year now, cast rate resistant, and have had radiation to a few spots in my pelvis, including my prostate. For about four years, I have run a few miles every other day followed by, some bench presses, dumbbell, curls, push-ups, and a few exercises involving my legs. I’m not sure what it’s called, but I step up one leg at a time holding some dumbbells and then step down. I also work on my core because I have a history of back issues. I am 50 years old and up until recently. I usually feel great after exercising. I wonder if it’s time to mix it up a little bit because I feel some soreness in my hips. I’m on a clinical trial currently and my scans are stable. My latest scans showed one new spot in my upper femur but I had that treated with radiation a year ago so it could just be lighting up as it is responding to the clinical trial drug. Anyway, I was curious what others around my age are doing to offset this beast and still feel good. My diet is mostly plant-based, but not completely as it was before.
what exercises are you doing? - Advanced Prostate...
what exercises are you doing?

I am 56, I do about the same regiment and now I’m castrate resistant after 3.5 years in and looking at starting the CHAMP trial at Duke.
It appears that my cancer is now a mixed bag of AVPC and adeno. I know with chemo in my future it’s important to keep moving. I can only run short distances since my RRP and ADT, but I alternate running and walking on days my energy allows.
I do try to follow a mostly plant based diet also but I am not sure that helps or lessens the chances of progression especially since my cancer has involved what I call now “ Take it for the team Prostate Cancer “ as my bladder tumor shows NEPC genetic characteristics. I understand that 20 percent of us can develop this from ADT treatment. If I had to do over I would try BAT in the beginning to receive the blessings of testosterone but I’m told now my diagnosis does not support that approach.
Keep moving and pushing those muscles because it helps the body and mind. I’m headed to the gym now……,
Just Turned 79....walk at least 1 1/2 miles everyday on treadmill, lift weights at gym 3 times a week do 3 to 4 sets chest, shoulders, leg presses, biceps triceps & lats. Diet is mostly plant based, canned water packed tuna 3 times a week a little chicken...Drink some vodka 4 times a week. Oh also use ginseng extract capsules. No fatigue, lots of energy. On Lupron & abiraterone, b/p med.
Doesnt Ginseng boost hormone, so bad for PC?
I have not heard that I'll have to check it out. Dr Schultz recommends ginseng for fatigue due to ADT in one of his books so I don't know
As long as you are taking ginseng an does not seem to affect anything negatively, then it must be ok.
I am 58 and do 4 or 5 days a week at F45 for a pretty diverse mix or cardio and weight movements. I feel like it’s good for both calorie burn (to manage ADT weight) and weights to protect against osteoporosis. I am a year post-RALP and a year into ADT and Xtandi and find it effective and manageable.
I workout about 5 days a week. I lift weights with the goal of building muscle. My diet is high protein and a caloric surplus, then every 6 weeks I spend a month in a caloric deficit to lose excess weight. I do what is called a "bro split" which means I workout one body part a day. For example Biceps, legs chest etc. This is working well for me. If you need a start get the free trial from Beach Body and mimic the workouts you find there. My workout is a copy of the "The Beast" and works well for me. There are also cardio programs, HIIT and other workouts. Great resource. I am currently 59 and in better shape than I was in my 30's. I also utilize a personal trainer for proper form and other exercise ideas. Trainer is a luxury but she volunteers her time to me.
I’m 63. I run about 20 miles/wk, down from 40 per week pre-PCa. And my pace has slowed dramatically. Part of that, if not most, is age related I realize . I weight train every other day for 45-60 mins. I work my biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and back. I do some work on my core. I swim 1000 yds 2-3 times/ wk.
I’m still hormone sensitive 5 plus years into this journey. I can’t say I believe that it will help keep my cancer in check but I do feel that it does help me tolerate the side effects of ADT.
I’m 67 and work out similarly. I’m running since I was 18, so I keep on running every day between 5 and 8 miles. I do gymnastics, lower back training, planks and weight lifting. That helps a lot fighting the SE of ADT. If you feel pain, it could come from ADT or too much workout. Try to train a different set of muscles daily. You find inspiring ideas on HasFit (search Youtube and they also offer an APP). I use the free of charge mode only and it’s sufficient for my type of training. I’m also on WFPBD but include time restricting eating. Most days I do 16:8, which means I start eating after workouts and running not before 12-1pm and enjoy my last meal around 6-7pm. With doing so, I keep my BMI at 19.5. Actually it’s hard not losing weight, when you burn more that 1.000 calories / day with exercising and stay away from animal products, sugar, oil and alcohol. Last but not least I do mediate daily, according to „Vipassana“, which I like most after experiencing with many techniques.
I ride my bike. Had to take a couple months off to get work done on my house. I got my first ride for this year in on Wed and over shot my intended distance and went 32 miles instead of 23. Felt it at the end of the ride but was fine the next day soI will do the same today. I normally shoot for 100 miles a week, which I rarely get in the cold months, and usually exceed in the warm months. I do this in 3 to 4 rides a week. I'll start weights, hikes, and walks once things settle down. I am currently off ADT but will most likely start again soon. I eat mostly plant based diet and have been intermediate fasting for the last few months, I did take off a couple weeks around the holidays. Prior to that it had helped me lose weight and may have had the benefit of slowing my rising PSA.My last CBC showed low RBCs so I may start eating a little more meat and see if I can get them back up. Once I know whats causing my riding PSA and how I will proceed with treatment I may revert to what I am doing now.
Thanks and keep it up! Most of my fatigue and soreness is in my hips so I do prefer running on flat surfaces over biking and hiking.
Understandable. I have been biking a long time and on longer more technical hikes, lots of rock/boulder hopping, my right ankle gets painful. Might be from the damage caused by gout. I started using a hiking pole and carry a ankle brace just in case. So far the hiking pole has been enough. I am glad to hear so many are keeping/staying active. I am convinced if we have to deal with declining health its better if we start on a mountain than a hill. I hope to be active until the end. Ut realize the disease will ha e designs of its own.
From what I’ve researched, I personally consider the best form of exercise to be the forms that control carbon dioxide the best.
Carbon dioxide is required to disassociate the oxygen you breath from your cells. If you don’t have the right balance of oxygen wrt CO2, even though you breath enough oxygen you can’t unload it effectively and can be in a state of hypoxia. This is known as the Borh effect.
I always remember that the kids at my school used to prank about where they would exhale at a high forced high frequency rate - effectively inducing hyperventilation. Basically forcing their CO2 out and feeling incredibly light headed because their oxygen required the CO2 to unload. You can pass out from doing this. This is a form of hypoxia.
For me, I personally wouldn’t be considering running a marathon for where I would be gasping during it. People who are conditioned to these exercises due to prolonged gradual training will do better than me.
The exercises I consider to be good, for me anyway, are the ones where the breathing is controlled. Weight training, swimming are excellent for this IMO.
As a bit of an aside, but related, you can control your breathing in general outside of exercising. You can improve your oxygen within your body by exhaling slower.
Hope that helps.
Wow, everyone else is doing well. I tried lifting weights but had to stop. Now I can't bend my left knee fully. I tried to run maybe to hard and it took me some time to recover my knees. I couldn't run for a prolonged time.
Now I can run (sprint) maybe just enough to catch the traffic lights when I am crossing the road and after that I feel every muscle in my body during the night. Thanks God I can still recover. I usually just walk. I would not drive the bike as I am osteoporotic and I wish to avoid falls plus bike driving is not a weight bearing exercise. I was doing lots of bike driving during my life as I am from flatland and it was in my culture.
Maybe you could consider swimming. It's an excellent form of exercise and you can swim without using your knees.
I had a bad fall last year. Nothing to do with PC and not affected. So now is swimming or treadmill, at least 10 mins of that uphill. Like others says, breathing out is just as important as breathing in. I do mine early in the morning, in the wooded area where there is a lot of oxygen. I try to keep my diet to about 80% seafood and veg. 1-3 times red meat a month. Usually 1 a month. Never roasted to 200. Pan fried to 130. Yogurt daily, a little cheese sometimes. Egg no more than 2 a week. Chicken without skin and not grilled or roasted.
Well i feell like i ran the houston marathon after readin of luck to you ...ill keep. Checking backnto see if any of you are out running.......apc.....i can hardly get upnstairs....after 6yrs lupron / 60 yr old body was wore out from 40 yrs hands on construction gc......ffwd 6 not beating cancer..cancer is beating me a little more evryday.....sounds morbid its not its MY trip..........theres others here similiar....i noticed the their were some youngster responses......sorry to hear but great attitudes.....that what i have......just not the friggin energy.....peace to ukraine b.w.
I won’t bother to list what I do, only that it’s the same as you’re reading here. Weights, cardiovascular (I do mix long zone 2 with 1x/week of hard intervals), mobility and balance work, yoga. You didn’t ask about diet but many reports/opinions on it were given anyway, as is common.
My only advice is to alter your routines regularly, and train as intensely as you safely can. Most older people don’t work hard enough, and can handle much more than they think.
These exercise suggestions are fantastic. The only thing I’d like to add is how important protein is, especially for those of us who are doing ADT. I try to eat 120 grams a day along with my weightlifting several times a week. After working out for the last 20 months with this diet I’ve been been able to add probably 10 pounds of muscle and reduced my fat. I’m convinced that the protein emphasis is a big part of that.
resistance training three days a week to All Muscle groups for an hour. You’ll feel much better and increase your longevity. This study proved it can help fight your cancer.
Walking and light weights.
Sounds like you have very good exercise program. I am on Lupron and Erleada. 76 years old. I do the military daily dozen three times a week. I add to that back and leg exercises given to me by the VA pt. Then bench with dumbbells. Also walk 3 miles 4xweek. Tennis 3x week for fun and balance. Golf 1xweek for fun and comradeship. Fully retired, as you can guess. I get more common side effects but they are not bad at all. Osteoarthritis in both knees, but the exercises that the VA gave me strengthen the muscles so that the discomfort is minimal. I would love to be able to run again but that’s too much impact for knees as old as mine. If I were you, the only thing I would add is a regimen that physical therapy provides for your lower back issues. Keep running brother. That way we stay half a mile ahead of the devil.
I am 64 and on both Eligard and Nubeqa
I play ice hockey once a week all year long, do weight training three times a week with proper protein intake to gain mass -which I did, have a personal trainer once a week for functional training and proper form.
Some days, I don't feel like keeping this up, but then I just do it and am glad afterwards I did it.
The social aspect of sport and training with " healthy " people is not negligible either
Good luck
you might try adding arm swinging to your routine. Someone on this site recommended it and now I am hooked. Very easy and just a few minutes a day. But over time it really does help to keep the spine aligned.
Take her to lunch, post workout protein shakes, have her over for dinner and occasionally a boat ride or two with her friends. Not a horrible thing as she is 22 and cute as hell. She takes pride in seeing my gains and has said I am in better shape than all her other clients my age. Kind of like a daughter to us as we have no kids
I've always been a fan of hiking, up to 7 miles. To that I have added rowing, which really seems like a good exercise. Helps reduce inflammation.
Great specific workouts above- thanks! My husband is 54. 5.5 years into diagnosis stage 4 mets to bones. Still castrate sensitive. He was a decathelete in college- and has a hard time sitting still. Suffers some fatigue but feels his activeness helps with that. He mostly does weights. Got out of practice during covid when our gym closed- but started a home routine. He also surfs a bit in the summers and walks our very active dog. He still works full time but has a home office so can be flexible with his schedule- He finds mid-afternoon best to get energy for the 2nd half of the day. He did go full healthy vegan (have to make the distsince iron and chips are vegan all plants and no alcohol for 2 years. Now eats vegan but added seafood a few times a week and enjoys an alcoholic drink every so often. He changed his diet to feel more in control and feel better- doesn't necessarily think his diet will cure him- but he needed to feel some control in how he felt. Our daughter plays lacrosse in college and gets him to do some HITT workouts and yoga with her when she's home too.💙
I should add- he eats a lot of plant based protein- we are pretty careful about that. As well as the fish once he added that.
All sounds very similar to my routine. In NC our waves are not so big and I've ridden my boogie board since I was 14. I love our trips to the beach and my daughter goes to UNC-Wilmington so I meet her sometimes as she has a board also. During the pandemic, I got my 3 kids boards of their own but I'm still the big kid who loves it more than them. My diet was total vegan for about 3 years, now mostly plant based but not completely.
not your age but I bike 120 miles a week, play pickelball, lift weights twice a week and go for walks 2-5 miles. I gave up running because it seems to hurt my back.
I walk about 3 miles five days per week (brisk pace but short of speed walking). Take 11 flights of stairs 3-4 days per week. Light resistance exercise, which I should do more of. I can always do more, but that's what I've been doing for years.
However, I tend to believe that what you consume (or refrain from), along with keeping weight under strict control, are as if not more important.
56 y/o. bio-reoccurrence starting ADT then Radiation following ssport protocol.
I play 5 hours water polo weekly masters I play games with USA water polo
Masters swimming 6 hours weekly. 3000 yard workout - I compete to USA swimming
Lift weight 3 days a week
6’5” 235lbs No fat
Not looking forward to my strength but due to ADT but will still compete - worried about gyno due to speedo in the pool
12 ounces curls on the weekend 😉
I get enough excercise just pushing my luck.
As a 63 year young gym owner, personal trainer and daughter of a father with advanced prostate cancer that is 87, and still exercises....I would recommend strength training 2-3 X per week and do some light cardio that feels good. The most important muscles to train are glues, quads and hamstrings, core, pulling and pushing movements.
Keep your hips flexible with hip bridges that keep the glutes tight and hip flexors stretched.
When our rear ends get weak, our whole body goes to hell and we have back issues, are more prone to falls and have bad posture.
Speaking of posture - nearly all movements in daily life are with our heads pitched forward and our backs rounded.
You can use exercise bands to keep the mobility and to start the blood flow. And them use dumbbells and kettlebells. Aim for 6-8 reps to prevent muscle loss, and use either dumbbells or kettlebells.
Do movements that mimic rowing. Place a long exercise band around your feet while sitting on the floor with knees slightly bent. Grab the band with both hands, and elongate spine and pull shoulders back and belly in tight. Pull the band towards you with palms up and keep elbows close to rib cage and try to pull hands behind your waist. Do this for 10 to 20 reps, 3-4 X weekly. This will strengthen your upper back, while stretching the front of the chest.
The exercise you are referring to is a step-up and is great for the front of the legs, and glutes.
One of the BEST exercises for the lower body is the weighted squat either onto a chair or if you have good form, with no chair.
Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell close to the front of your body like a "goblet". Hinge your hips back onto the chair and then without leaning forward, drive you feet into the ground and hinge your hips forward while coming to a stand.
This is the KING of all moves that we must be able to do as we age. And pretty much, everyone needs this so you can prevent muscle wasting.
The other best move you can practice is the Elbow Plank - Be sure eyes are directly over shoulders and your ENTIRE body is tight. Especially hips and glutes. Hold this pose for 10 seconds and work your way up to 1 minute or more!
Wishing you a long and strong life!
Does anyone use kettle bells as a form of exercise?
I am chastened by all you runners ... and I was a distance runner in college. I haven't run in ages. Living in the Phoenix area there are a number of months where running isn't an appealing proposition unless you are a morning person, which I am not. I do hit the gym three times a week. I do interval training on the stair climber adjusting from intense to recovery levels. It is the most onerous of activities there so I do it first to get it out of the way. Everything else is weight lifting mostly using machines with a few things using dumbbells. I am soon to be 73. My claim to fame is the ability to do pull-ups. I see very few people doing that at any age.

3 set of 4 pullups and 3 sets of 5 chin ups alternating every other day
Well done. You da man.
I'm a relative newbie to prostate cancer, only 11 months from diagnosis.
But I noticed right away at the VA clinic the guys who were in ADT. They were soft and flabby, muscle mass wasting away. It showed. I was determined going in that I would not end up like that.
I'm 67yrs old and on full blown ADT.
And while it's a heavy burden every day, I still exercise aggressively. To my sustainable limit. Surprisingly I found that YES you can increase strength and endurance while on Abiraterone and the shot. I even see slight muscle growth.
I lift my sustainable limit. And that increases a LITTLE every week. and I cardio on a stationary bike (boring!).
I get between 300 and 400 minutes of exercise every week, eat a balanced organic diet and sleep as much as the p!ssing will allow. Actually in bed 12hrs, with 6hrs of sleep.
I lift 6,000 or 7,000 pounds (product of reps x weight) per 30 minute session, 3 times per week. I focus on compound lifts (BARBELL) and make it hurt. Every time. The remaining 200-250 minutes per week are zone 2 cardio on that damn stationary bike. Were it not for my Bose Wave CD/Radio I could not do it.
And without an understanding and supportive wife I could not get the rest required with this affliction.
Get it done guys. Work to your limit. Get in your minutes (300 per week). Eat well. Sleep well.
Do not go gently into that night.
hang in there - I'm 4+ yrs in at 71yrs. I was doing P90X up until ADT - and that was the end of that - and like you, i worked hard to build back some stamina - I've been on ADT vacation for 2 yrs now (probably going back on next month) and I continue to push it - but either age or ADT puts limits on what i'm capable of. I recently started walk/run on a treadmill and I swear it has slowed my PSA rise rate - i realize that there is likely no basis for my belief - but I don't care - it make me feel like i can influence my outcomes, so i'll continue to believe it helps.
In addition to weights, walking /running and biking, yoga and meditation have been very helpful. For those who are just starting to exercise, yoga can be done while seated on a chair, and available on line.
Looks of core, pushups, squats and about 15 miles/wk running and another 5-7 walking. Also, skiing as much as possible and hiking during the warmer months. I backpacked the John Muir Trail last summer (260 miles) over 19 days with 26 miles being the longest day of the trek...Still hormone sensitive, on Orgovyx for past 2 years, with vacations of 3 months on, 3 off when my MO says it's okay.
Yes, I also stretch daily....since my late 20's due to lower back issues. All those years playing basketball caught up to me at an early age.
I would love to go skiing've inspired me to look in to it this winter.
I am 66, have PC Adenocarcinoma grade 7, from June 2022, I am in no discernible pain, but it is the side effects from hormone Decapeptyl injection, and radiation therapy sessions, the brain fog feelings of absolute worthlessness, trying to read or hold a conversation DOH! getting angry at myself and anybody nearby! Getting near the end of my sessions [7 more to do] but wondering would exercise get rid of the brain dead cob webs? My osteoarthritis in my knees especially in the cold season [ok in a warm room], plus a broken skull from a double seizure, which heavily restricts myself walking uphill, my equilibrium and balance not too good? Ironically have an exercise bike, which I fell off, seizure in 2017, and shattered my rib cage🥴 I could in theory start using again to "get rid of the brain dead cob webs?" I am on various medications, the epilepsy medications especially the nearest contender to my PC stuff in causing annoyance!😤Decapeptyl injections side effects can they be mown of the system by pure exercise, I know they will diminish out of the system, as circa ten days before my third and hopefully last one I realised I was getting back to some sort of competence and sanity?
1st ID. Recon.
I am 73, 2 years post RP undetectable (so far). I have read several several articles on exercise. Several studies have been done on various exercises. What they all agree on is that being active and moving does reduce the risk of various diseases ( not just cancer). They range from 11 min per session minimum (more is better) to 150 min aerobic per week (30 min 5xper week). In each the best type of exercise is one that raises the heat rate and that is comfortable and you will continue doing.
BTW anecdotally I have been back to exercise for about a year (after several surgeries sidelined me). I do 45 min on an elliptical 5 times a week plus stretching and weight training. At my last appointment with my Cardio he was pleased with the latest echo cardiogram and my heart was significantly stronger and I could stop a med I was on (Eliquis). A great win.
I believe the best exercise is the exercise you can regularly.
Welcome Home Brother! Stay safe!
Pickleball 4-5x per week. Usually 2 hrs (yday 3 hrs). A little vit D from the sun, here in FL.. Indoor on windy/rainy days. Usually good for 1800-2000 cal burn.
Walk the pups off leash at park 3-4x week. Ski 7 days p/yr.. Haha (doesnt count), push-ups now off knees now (weaker), light dumbells at home. Gave up the Gym membership during all this Covid crap. Stretch most mornings with 7 or 8 yoga moves. Mike
oh ya, forgot, additionally, I Kite Surf 10-12 days per year, and Kite Foil. Just learning how to Wing Foil, 2 lessons. Physical challenge for sure. Have not bought the gear yet ($2.5k) until I know I have it. Lived in Cali for 35 yrs and surfed 30-40x per year. Just back from a Family trip to Baja. So ADT weak. Paddled out a few times into the lineup of 10-15 guys. Never caught one wave. So weak. Just relaxed and enjoyed the beauty of the Sea of Cortez, and watching my family enjoy the surf. Wasn’t sad really, just enjoyed the moments. Mike