That’s why I follow a whole food plant based diet without sugar, oil and alcohol.
Milk & dairy intake - new update from... - Advanced Prostate...
Milk & dairy intake - new update from Dr. Greger

Milk or no milk, whoever narrated that video had a really annoying voice!

That’s Dr. Greger, his voice is special, agreed. But the content is more important.
What nonsense! It shows why youtube videos should not be used as a source of medical information.
All of the info is observational and heavily biased. He ignores these to make his point:
"Total dairy product consumption was not statistically significantly associated with risk of any prostate cancer or stratified by disease severity. "
" total milk and dairy intakes after diagnosis were not associated with a greater risk of lethal prostate cancer. "
"the evidence for prostate cancer risk was inconsistent."
I know that conflicting studies/surveys exist . Everybody has to decide for himself. I don’t consume any dairy products any more and up to now I‘m doing fine. Of course that’s not the only thing I reduced in my life. Among others I exercise daily, meditate, rarely experience any stress and enjoy life as good as I can. I also trust in my therapies. All together seems to be a good cocktail.
I agree. Four and a half years after diagnosis, I still enjoy milk yogourt, and cheese every day ... in moderation.
They say soy may be bad. But Asians have been taking large quantities for years. Their prostate cancer risk is actually lower!
Some studies showed that cordycep ( not sure spelling is correct) kills cancer or stops cancer. Now a study says it promotes hormone and prostate cancer.
Those kinds of observational studies are only to generate hypotheses for more studies. They are not useful for drawing conclusions. It has been proven that such conclusions are usually wrong.
I myself have not totaly given up milk consumption. But it is not fair and very scientific to use second class studies to make such comments as "nonsense". There are other also second class studies in pubmed proving exactly the opposite.
Many thx for your comment!
Warriors, let’s agree to support each other in the best manner. We are all fighting the same disease, even when the individual expression is extremely different. We are all searching for the best therapies and science is working hard, too. What’s doubtful today, can be proven tomorrow - or not.
As individual as this beast materializes in us, I also strongly believe in individual therapies consisting of many many puzzle pieces, accompanied and strengthened by our trust, that they all will work together and improve our future life.
All the very best to all of you.
I agree that there are no convincing data. Yet everyday I hear nonsense like this from patients - "eat no dairy," "eat only vegetables,""eat no meat," "eat no sugar." There is no science behind such commands. Everyday loved ones torture us or we torture ourselves in the name of such pseudoscience. We are desperate to take control when we have lost control and are sitting ducks for such unfounded nonsense. We deserve better.
You won’t be surprised that in this case I disagree. Let’s hope all together that we’ll get more convincing data in near future.
Science demands that we choose the best data, not our favorite data. Best data is dictated by level of evidence and GRADE. Stick to the science. That makes the PLCO prospective study our best data. They followed 49,472 men with follow-up of 11 years. They filled out food diaries at the start.
"Total dairy product consumption was not statistically significantly associated with risk of any prostate cancer or stratified by disease severity. "
You can make any decision for yourself you want to. You can base your decisions on youtube videos if you want to, or consult crystal balls. But science is more likely to increase your survival.
When you read my bio and my postings above, you’ll see that I follow the SOC therapies PLUS whole food plant based diet, time restricted eating, exercising, meditating and stress reduction. That‘s my holistic therapy, which I believe in and love and which let me outperform my initial prognosis.
I don’t follow Youtube videos only but read studies and scientific papers as well. And animal products play a major role in many of them.
I‘m also interested in learning from you and listening to your advice. But in this point we disagree and this is ok (for me, hopefully for you, too).
I hope you don't mind that I cited your post for spreading misinformation, which you are continuing in this last post. (The Adventist Health Study is a study among a very peculiar group and has no relevance to the average patient). There is so much misinformation these days, and many patients find the conflicting info terribly confusing. That's why we have to rely on the science to sort it out. You suffer from confirmation bias is cherry picking the studies that conform to your beliefs and ignoring those at a higher level of evidence. You persist in ignoring level of evidence and GRADE. It's not a problem if you choose to do it to yourself, but you are trying to influence others.
I just share my opinion based on reading. What do you think about this?
I love and respect everything you post and do. I know that eating plant based is going to help you
Try not to pay attention to those that put you down for the help you give
And of course healing is much more than science based
I frequently re read my post on belief shifts biology 🦊
Thank you 🙏! I think we are all searching for the best way to survive and improve QoL. I’ve read yesterday, that according to latest findings 1 out of every 50 studies might be fake. This is not about complementary studies, but all studies, including medical. So what might be state of art science today may work out as fake in future. Too much money involved - as often in modern capitalism.
yes medicine is now a business not the healing art it once was 😢
Seems like “nutrition” & “lifestyle” have also become business, big business.
And it takes far less education to call yourself a dietician or nutritionist than a medical practitioner, doesn’t it?
Anyone saddled with devastating illness and disease currently has the best medicine has ever offered for healing and comfort thru out history.
What do you suggest ? Return to lobotomies and snake bites as " the art of medicine "? Chew on some Mistletoe?
I don't understand how you cannot see how much knowledge those with degrees in biochemistry, genetics, medical cancer research have in what is best to treat cancer. Your nutritional degree does not come close to being worthy of consideration in the fight against cancer.
Once something becomes what I would call "accepted belief" by people, it doesn't matter what the science is or what evidence you provide them. It's really like a religious cult.
This whole nonsense about dairy has become truth for a lot of cancer patients. Some people even go as far as admitting there is no evidence, but say I'm still going to believe it anyway. It doesn't matter. It's a sad state of affairs.
I wouldn’t charge so tough. Too much dairy products are unhealthy for a lot of reasons. So even if we don’t die from PC, we also don’t want to die early from CVD, diabetes or similar.
Milk causes diabetes?
Where’d you get that nonsense from?
I didn’t say they are causing it. I just said I don’t want to die from other diseases. Sorry for the confusion.
Nusch never said that. About milk causing diabetes.
Perhaps if you would stop refuting what people in here say, because they are just trying to help, you might feel better? Really you deserve to feel better and we all wish that for you.
Maybe read my post I wrote by kahil Gibran and think about it? I wrote it this morning
Nusch explained his comment, thank you for your input.
I don’t care if you’re trying to help, no matter who you are, if you post bullshit I’ll challenge it.
If you post something that needs clarification, I’ll ask for clarification.
If you misquote something, I’ll point it out.
If you post links to fraudsters trying to bilk cancer patients out of their money by preying on their desperation with claims of miracle cures, I will debunk them.
If you make personal claims of curing yourself of a terminal cancer diagnosis of just six months to live by juicing and using “homeopathic” with no further details, I’ll challenge you to explain that miracle cure…
As you said we’re all just trying to help.
Why won’t you help those of us who have cancer that is estimated to kill is in under 5 years by sharing your diet and homeopathic treatments? That would be far more helpful than most anything else you could share here.
it is sad. I think that is why everyone should do what they believe is best for them
The debate is not about doing what you want as many people try to frame it. It's about spreading misinformation. If people don't want to use dairy products, that's their business, 100%.
Just don't tell other people they are making their cancer grow or causing cancer by doing it. It's like religious peole pushing their beliefs on other people.
It's similar to telling people that your doctor gave you 6 months to live, but you lived 18 years without providing any proof. Just expect everyone to "believe".
🍿🥤Have at it boys, these milk threads get really wound up between fact and fiction. If you believe in the science of biochem pathways and the effect of the milk protein, casein, on PCa growth factors, you wouldn’t drink another drop of milk. Otherwise, keep drinking it and wait on a dietary RCT that disproves “cow juice is ok”, which will never happen because there are too many factors to account for in a “properly” designed RCT to show the association is statistically significant, when milk is only one of dozens of factors.
“PC3 cells treated with 1 mg/mL of α-casein and casein showed increased proliferation (228% and 166%, respectively), and the proliferation of LNCaP cells was also enhanced by 134% and 142%, respectively. The proliferation mechanism of α-casein in PC3 and LNCaP cells did not appear to be related to the induction of Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), since the level of IGF-1 did not change upon the supplementation of casein.
ConclusionsThe milk protein, casein, promotes the proliferation of prostate cancer cells such as PC3 and LNCaP.”
Even worse nonsense to use lab studies as evidence. If mice are to be believed, what do you do with this one?
"High Milk Consumption Does Not Affect Prostate Tumor Progression in Two Mouse Models of Benign and Neoplastic Lesions"
At some point we all have to either go with our imaginations, as you are doing, or follow the science.
Regardless of cow's milk effect (or not) on PCa, my view for a long time has been that the human digestive system is not suited to drinking it so I have used almond milk instead for many years. It obviously didn't prevent me getting PCa but I still believe it's a better alternative.
and those who love and thrive on a quart or more per day???
Of course, each to their own.
What is your view of consuming whey?
Like many other supplements, there are mixed opinions on the effect of whey on PCa. I have used it in smoothies/shakes in the past but have stopped for a while now. In fact, I continually cut back on supplements because of the uncertainty of their value. I mainly consume lots of fruit and vegetables, some nuts, pulses and seeds, Jack fruit instead of meat (although I do eat chicken and minced beef occasionally) and selected herbs as I think getting nutrients in food is far better than taking tablets and powders for them.
Agreed. But give some consideration to oat milk. I limit my almond use because of sustainability/ water use considerations. And I also limit my dairy intake to really good cheese.
I actually like almond milk better so why not right? Other than that I stick to unprocessed unpasteurized dairy. TA is right, but for each his own: if you love dairy, eat it and enjoy. If you’re indifferent, then why take the chance, plenty of tasty alternatives. If you ask me You can pretty make the same case for all foods. My diet is dictated by my BMI. I believe maintaining a bmi between 18-24 (for me) puts my body in worst possible environment for cancer to thrive. I suppose at the end of the day it’s a personal choice. Eat, drink and be merry warriors.
I have read his book and looked into his back round. Some of his advice is common diet sense but biased toward no animal products as he is a vegetarian and a member of PETA. I believe he has motives beyond diet and health. Tall Allen has it right . I believe all good food in moderation. A mediterranean diet could be great if its for you?
Never managed to find any research that linked alcohol in moderation til PC.In fact I have only managed to find the opposite.
I wouldn't drink any alcohol with medications though.