Please help me to understand why many celebrity people do not provide a cause of death
Please help me to understand why many... - Advanced Prostate...
Please help me to understand why many celebrity people do not provide a cause of death

I know in AZ cause of death is not public record
Perhaps celebrities are no different than non-celebrities in that regard. When I skim the obituaries in our local newspaper (typically ~20 in Sunday edition), I note that no more than about 20% include the specific cause of death.
I don't know but a guess is that it's part of the mystique associated with those we revere. The idea that Mr. or Ms Beautiful/Successful/Important person who we placed on a pedestal for whatever reason died of something that is common (e.g., heart attack) might give them "clay feet" as it were and lower them in the public's eye. On the other hand, it seems that if the celeb's death is caused by a rare ("rare," as in frequency) disease, then, that cause is more likely to be stated - to continue the mystique/importance of the celebrity and/or to draw attention to the condition to help others (e.g., Farrah Fawcett's anal cancer). It could also be as simple as, it's none of your damn business! LOL And, finally, suppose it's too many pills, gun, hanging, etc. If the cause is not stated, then, people will speculate/fantasize about the cause and may spread false info. Like I said, no idea why; many reasons, I suspect.
Curious: why do you ask?
Hard to know because we are not celebrities. I bet though, in the final analysis, they do not want people to remember how they died, rather they want people to remember how they lived.
they may not be talking but undertakers sure are.
If my husband or I died tomorrow, the majority of his family would not know why.
I'm sure many of them don't think the celebrity they have gives anyone any right to know lots of things about their personal life. Some of my fav celebrities are always undercover and don't share much of any thing outside of their professional career happenings.
I tend to overshare but most of my family, even my older brother who recently passed away. He had PCa for decades (on Lupron for most of it) but he never told me until I told hime and my sister-in-law that I had it. And even after he told me I only found out much later how sky high his PSAs were. He was old enough to be my father (me and my younger brother were born when my mom was 40) so he was effectively in a different generation. That generation, from my observations, is much more private about their health. And they don't ask others about theirs unless there is a "need to know".
I truly feel for most celebs. because they live under a microscope all the time, some more than others. I understand why they don't feel like sharing every detail in their lives. But I often wish I knew the cause of death as well for my fav celebs.
I see reports of excess mortality rates throughout the world. Athletes dropping while playing, pilots in active flights, well known people "suddenly" and "unexpectedly" dying. What has occurred in the last couple of years that could be linked to these situations? Oh yeah, that pesky vaccine that were required of so many to maintain there jobs. The one with the side effects of myocarditis, pericarditis and a huge list of other side effects.
Oh come on. Before the vaccine the hospitals were jammed with dying patients on ventilators and refrigeration trucks had to be brought in to contend with the corpses. Look around, still see that going on? Be thankful that the majority got vaccinated to help make you safe.
The last bastion of privacy that they have.
Because they are dead. The surviving families of the celebrities would generally decide on the information to put in the obituary and release to the public, and they may not want to disclose the cause of death for privacy reasons. 🦊
In The Netherlands, obits rarely mention the cause of death. Not sure about other European countries.
PS: I do like (s)he died of old age...
It's partly political/image where revealing the cause of death may conflict with lifestyle statements they've made publicly and expose contradictions/hypocrisy, or perhaps make them seem more unwise than their public persona. Or sometimes just privacy.
I've noticed that when local doctors pass, details are almost never revealed about cause, length of struggle, much less treatment decisions.
Many doctors, athletes, teachers, young students....this can not be labeled misinformation any more and swept under the rug...the names , pictures the professions are out there for all to see. The latest pilot to die while in mid flight, god help us! Virtue signaling by pedi to Charlie is so unnecessary...time to exchange information without getting angry, it may make our vaccination decision a bit more informed, lets hope! The CDC is having to publish this information now...all we have to do is read it and learn.