Hello all, I am in a clinical trial and receiving 6 treatments of Lutetium 177 (1 every 6 weeks). I was diagnosed Gleason 9, 7 years ago and have had, RP, 33 sessions of salvadge radiation. Zoladex, Biclutimide, Daralutimide have all failed and I have developed metastatic cancer with numerous tiny bone mets and 4 spots on my liver. I also have a mass in my lower colon. I am taking my second treatment on Oct 12 and Doc wants me to maintain my 3 month injections of Zoladex. My question to the forum is whether or not this shot is necessary? I don't see much point as it has clearly failed and will not stop the damn march of this demon...if anything is going to do that it may be the lutetium treatments (fingers crossed).
Wondering if anyone has any info or experience with the dropping of the zoladex at this, or a similar point?
Also, 6 treatments of Lu177 seems excessive to me due to the potential damage to bone marrow etc. Does anyone know if this is standard of care anywhere else? I am in Vancouver, Canada.
Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated.