Having recently being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, I have found bad mood swings, prickly as a porcupine, not nice to be near symptoms more frequent.
Can grumpiness, mood swings, etc, be ... - Advanced Prostate...
Can grumpiness, mood swings, etc, be directly attributable to levels of testosterone due to Prostrate Cancer?

Yes indeed I was a miserable human being that would fight anyone, anytime and any where. The women in my life insisted I fix it. Went to shrink and was given a mood stabilizer. Now I am much better
This are usually side effects of hormone therapy because it reduces the testosterone level.
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It happens to most of us. Ask your doctor about getting a presriprion for an antidepressant medication such as Sertraline. It helps.
Thanks HopingForTheBest1 no offence but ironically I fear I am going down this "ADT" path already having two separate specialists for other conditions, getting plenty of therapy for those, I should not have asked this question, alright I am new to this particular condition, having it only diagnosed three months ago, pain killers do not work on my weakened system, I have to be very careful on ANY medication I take anyway! I am sorry HU that I even asked this question, this is leading me down a very familiar path and depressing me even further🥴 Sorry!
It's good that you are being proactive, as you are your own best advocate. Do as best you can. Hang in there.
Not in a very nice situation at present, some of those replies caught me off guard, then reality stung back, "I've been down this path before!", diagnosed only the early stages of this PC, so hopefully no chemotherapy🤞 my big brother had surgery nine years ago, still rather tetchy about it! Although one of my best friends died from it last year🥴 As I say too many I'm a survivor [think I should tattoo that on my arm somewhere?] this lab. rat should pull through👌
ADT treatments for prostate cancer can result in depression. Here's a documentary of a group of men discussing their prostate cancer journeys and coping with side effects of treatments including depression:
Hope this helps.
YES! According to my wife I have become something of an A-Hole since starting ADT. It's especially worse for the 2-3 weeks following the Eligard injection. She wants the imperfect stoic man back.
the trick is to be a kind and good humored A hole. Takes practice. My wife prefers me on ADT rather than high testosterone on BAT cycles. Balance, respect and communication. So glad she is in my life!
So true. Just celebrated 40 years of marriage to the best woman ever (for me that is).
I have freedom now, recently retired, live by myself, but now can actually get out and afford to enjoy the world outside, stuck inside for much of pandemic, allergic to vaccine, happy 66 birthday, by the way you have PC? I'm free and grumpy!
Well I had PC and I'm still on ADT. Hopefully the PC is gone or leaving. On the other hand, I keep hearing that the little buggers can go dormant and hide then re-emerge whenever they want to.
The foul moods are bad enough, but what about the emotional swings??? I haven’t cried this much since I was 5 years old. Geesh. 🙄
I’m mostly good, pleasant, helpful, useful, very cognizant of how ill temper impatience etc only hurts myself-after it hurts my wife and keeps my friends away of course. ADT didn’t change that.
I need a lot of exercise for this to be consistent though, and I’m super cognizant of this too. It keeps me a sweetheart while still being masculine. Sadly the latter seems to be out of fashion nowadays but I don’t care about that.
At this age, without hard regular exercise, I drag through life, ADT or no. With it, I’m pretty much the same either way. I greatly prefer it to more drugs, but whatever gets you through I totally understand.
Although been dragged through life, endless medications being stuffed into my system, have HPT high pain threshold, brain is mixed up not able to recognize pain, how much or how little, thus pain killers are not reliable, thus I try to stay on the barest amount of medication as possible! Infamous having the most unusual side effects of medications which can be very dangerous!🥴
It's an extremely common SE of ADT. I was more tearful than angry, but plenty of both. Of course, there is plenty to be angry and sad about, but ADT makes it far worse.
Eventually got on an antidepressant.
If you're going this route, get a DNA test to determine which one will work best.
I figured that One Eyed Jacks are wild. But 50 Cal is cause for reconsidering. Glad the Valium helps smooth the road for you.
Obviously hit a nerve here I have a sister coming out of PTSD, she is in professional therapy, but the TACT I have to show her now, both our feelings very near the surface, thanks for your advice, I can see I am not alone! Got a MRI prostate coming up on 1st Oct to worry about now😤
I find that 3-4 fingers of Scotch over ice a few times in the evening does it for me. That's why we call it "The Attitude Adjustment Hour".
imagine all them crazy mixed up youngsters with all the hormonal changes!!!
Imagine if they had access to them big guns.....