Probably b/c of a bit too much wine with dinner, and more likely b/c I wanted to be the first one to post about this, I offer this one for your scrutiny:
Some of my favorite quotes and various random collections of words that are apparently presented as “ideas”:
— We have the idea of exposing male genitalia to red light to raise testosterone levels
— Spoken with what we can presume was a straight face, we have this quote: “There is no legitimate evidence that this type of treatment is effective in improving testosterone levels,” says Petar Bajic MD, a urologist at the Cleveland Clinic.
— Mr Carlson suggests we should be “open minded” about this kind of thing. Nothing more need be said about that one.
— This is my nomination for the best “Hmmm, who knew” claim from the article: neither the safety nor efficacy of testicle tanning has been established.
— And we have a winner in the “Excellence in Observation” category, from one Oregon urologist Ashley Winter, MD: “…by definition you CANNOT have data on testicle tanning because you cannot TAN an internal organ…Tanning your scrotal sack and calling it ‘testicle tanning,’ is like tanning your abdominal skin and calling it ‘liver tanning.’”
As for me, I realize two things: (1) “scrutiny” has some syllables that sound WAY too much like “scrotum”, and (2) I’m not done with my wine just yet.