Best Treatment for enlarged Prostate - Advanced Prostate...

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Best Treatment for enlarged Prostate

bambenltd profile image
10 Replies

I was diagnosed with enlarged prostate. Doctor prescribed a drug i cant remeber now and asked me to use it for 2 weeks. Some days after i collaped and fainted, hence i refused to see the doc again. Can any 1 here advice me on the best treatment for enlarged prostate apart from surgery

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bambenltd profile image
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10 Replies
Don_1213 profile image

We haven't been given enough information to make an intelligent reply. Did the MD say you have prostate-cancer? If not - this probably isn't the place to ask your question.

There are some drugs that relax the blood vessels around the prostate, these can lower blood pressure which might cause fainting. The doctor has no way to really determine if this will be the case for every patient or even any individual patient. I think firing the MD before discussing what happened is short-sighted. At least hear what the MD thinks may have happened.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Don_1213

For your great response............. we will not prosecute you for making a duplicate key to the ward room ice box to steal a full gallon of the tow line, that's a different story....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 02/03/2022 7:38 PM EST

CurrentSEO profile image

As your tread regarding Ivermectin was closed, I will reply you here.

I did experiment with Ivermectin at the mid of April beginning of May 2021. It is Not recommended to repeat my experiments of one, just for information purposes.

I dropped all supplements and meds and took 33mg at one go (11pills x 3mg each) and then repeat it every 4th day. Total took 6 times. After first 3 times of ingesting Ivermectin. PSA doubling time dropped 3-fold, I added bunch of supplements and 3 days after 6th time of Ivermectin PSA doubling time dropped 10-fold… but PSA was still raising… cannot continue on such high doses any longer, so I stopped the experiment. I did not experience any side effects or changes in liver functions.

Also remember Ivermectin messes with your microbiome.

My conclusion Ivermectin does slow down Prostate cancer (in my case), but to find correct dose when it helps and do not poison yourself is very complicated, so I decided to pass on it.

macdunno profile image
macdunno in reply to CurrentSEO


Thank you for your contributions to this site.

My email here is regarding a different immunotherapy called LANEX-DC by Dr Gansauge that you had once mentioned in HU.

My husband, a stage 4 APC patient, received 12 Lu-177 treatments from TUM between 5/19 to 9/21. He had a therapy vacation from 1/1/21 to 8/21. When he resumed the treatment, the Lu-177 is no longer working for him.

Currently on Jevetena and Caroplatin,

but his PSA has kept rising each time, to 357 about 90 points each time, basically not working. TUM is reluctant to administer ACT 225. So we are thinking about Lanex-DC.

Appreciate if you could elaborate about it and the difference between Lanex-DC and Provenge and Apceden.

Thank you.


CurrentSEO profile image
CurrentSEO in reply to macdunno

Hi Macdoo,

I did not make it for LANEX-DC before 1st Lu-177 infusion, going there before second. I’m doing it not as a stand alone treatment but in combination with Lu-177, and consider it just a booster (hopefully a good one).

If you going to do one of these 3 types of vaccine, I would do it in combination with Radiation. As Lu-177 stoped working for you, I would do in your place SBRT to one of the Mets in combination with vaccine/s treatment.

From 3 vaccines you mentioned, I would grade them like this. LANEX-DC is easiest and cheapest out of the 3, however might be less effective than other two. LANEX-DC is only one vaccine, blood drawn on Tuesdays and Thursdays and vaccination in one week in Tuesdays and Thursdays. Advantage of LANEX-DC compared to PROVENGE, that it is personalized by training to target your specific cancer. PROVENGE on the other hand has 3 infusion instead of one, plus PROVENGE has double blind clinical trial to back it up.

Price of LANEX-DC is 15k Euro, PROVENGE is around 120k US$

APCDEN in India in my opinion is the best out of 3. Price 25k USD for six vaccines in total, personalized either to your tumor tissue (they will do biopsy) or to your CTC if for whatever reason biopsy is not possible.

I choose LANEX-DC because it is relatively close from Munich to Vienna and I will draw blood before second LU-177 infusion and then vaccinate after the second LU-177 infusion.

Looks like chemo is not working for him and it is time to stop it.

I do not know the reason TUM is refusing to do ACT 225, maybe blood values, maybe because of tumor locations. You can contact RusLand on this site, he can help to arrange ACT 225 in Azerbaijan if blood values are Ok and FDG and PSMA PET/CTs confirms that he is suitable candidate for this treatment.

Maybe also do a biopsy of current metastasis and check how it is mutated and maybe one of the mutations can be specifically targeted by recently approved immunotherapies.

Consult with Gary Onick in Florida, He proposes immunotherapy with Cryo, it is around 60k… and you will also need to have fresh biopsy for mutations.

If no targetable mutation can be identified, then also look for CAR-T, BiTE, mRNA trials.

Also I do not know if he was on ADT… if not, maybe it is time… or maybe BAT if he refuses straight ADT.

I can recommend to make separate topic and ask for advises on treatments, plenty of knowledgeable people will try to help.

I’m not a doctor and all written is my personal opinion only.

macdunno profile image
macdunno in reply to CurrentSEO

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. The UCSF doctor is asking my husband to go on AMG 509 and TNB 585 immunotherapy phase I clinical trials. Will update HU later.

Thanks again.

CurrentSEO profile image


Just to underline once again it was experiment of one and I do Not recommend to repeat anything I do and all only for information purposes.

To answer your question. My PSA doubling time without any treatments or supplements was 23-25 days.

That are the days I did tests. I also tested liver and kidney functions each time.

On 3rd of April PSA 10.9 - no meds, taking some supplements.

On 19th of April my PSA was 17.7 - as you see PSADT at this point roughly 25 days.

on 19th of April - I took first dose of Ivermectin. No other meds and stopped all supplements.

On 29th of April PSA was 20.5 - that is PSADT roughly 63 days.

On 29th of April continued Ivermectin added supplements (I do not attribute much of PSADT slow down to supplements as I was on the same supplements prior to Ivermectin).

8th of May (took 6th and last time) - PSA was 21.1 - that is PSADT roughly 300 days.

From 25 days PSADT to 300 days, however that was extremely high dose and I monitored side effects and liver and kidney functions closely (they were normal).

I did not test for awhile after that as I was preparing and then went on water fast.

I stooped as Ivermectin cumulative dose can become toxic and I was not prepared to risk it anymore. This study was my safety net

I'm of the opinion that some lower dose of Ivermectin will work without significant toxicity and clinical trial would be nice to establish it... unfortunately it almost surely will not happen.

If I ever experiment again with Ivermectin it would be lower dose than I took, so I can take it for longer period of time.

Remember what works for one, might not work for another.

As you do not want external beam radiations and chemo and you say Lupron stopped working - it means castrate resistant cancer, consider second line hormonal such as Bicatulamide, Abiraterone, Enzalutamide or Nubeqa. Read about adaptive cancer treatment Robert Gatenby theory and practice where abiraterone was used not continuously till failure but adaptively pulsing it, by stopping Abiraterone when PSA drops 50% from baseline and restarting when it reaches initial baseline.

If these meds are too expensive - seek generics from India.

Consider BAT treatment where you add testosterone injections to your continuous Lupron treatment.

Consider Lu-177 treatments.

Consider APCEDEN vaccines in India.

Read about combo of Azithromycin and Doxycycline for short period of time 10-30 days. That worked for me and I migh repeat it, but I prefer to take care of my microbiome instead.

Supplements that did/do work for me - meaning slowing down PSADT roughly to 3 months instead of 24-26 days:

-IP6+Inositol (IPGold) powder 8 scoops a day (on empty stomach 4 in the morning and 4 before sleep).

- Turkey tail 12 grams a day divided between morning and evening on empty stomach intake (I mix FreshCap as they hot water extracted and HostDefence as they was used in successful breast cancer trial).

- Superfood Science - Agaricus Bio Immune Support - 6 capsules a day, Sayan Siberian Wild Forest Chaga Mushroom Extract Powder - 6 capsules a day.

-Mushroom Defense Formula by DailyNutra - 8 capsules a day.

We started with your husband at the same year 2007 (you can read my profile)... we took different roads, but I share your husband concerns regarding systemic chemo and external beam radiation and will try to avoid it myself.

CurrentSEO profile image

You are welcome, thank you and good luck!

Miracleone profile image

Do you know about broccoli sprout isothiocyanate extract? They have multiple clinical studies from NIH about effects on prostate and bladder cancers. They say Broq brand made in France, which can be gotten on Amazon is the most potent and pure brand of the extract according to tests on product. I don't have any experience with it but read a lot about it while trying to find a natural remedy for my dad who was recently diagnosed.

CurrentSEO profile image

Hi Irina, thank you for your update.

Your experiment basically confirms mine in a way…. Ivermectin works to slow down cancer grows, but dosage and possible toxicity remains a concern.

Would be nice if there was controlled clinical trials with different doses and protocols with Ivermectin…. But you know it is unlikely to happen.

Good luck with Joe Tippens protocol and please do keep me updated!

Consider that Leo takes some probiotic, because Ivermectin and Mebendazol messing up microbiome.

Please do monitor his blood values regularly.

Also please keep in mind, that you may need to introduce some treatments from SOC (not necessary as SOC prescribes them) along the way, if alternatives fail you.

I wish Leo and you all the best!

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