My turn now--Covid 19: Trip to Az and... - Advanced Prostate...

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My turn now--Covid 19

Shooter1 profile image
35 Replies

Trip to Az and daughters friends stopped by. They tested + for covid, so we came home instead of going back to SoCal. Today, after feeling cruddy, I tested ++ also. Seeing Dr this afternoon acct extreme shortness of breath. Why limit yourself to worry about aPca when you can have other problems too?? Life Is Good---so is breathing...

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Shooter1 profile image
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35 Replies
Lyubov profile image

Seems the Omicron is spreading like wild fire now. May you get medication to minimize symptoms. Prayers for your recovery!

wstith profile image
wstith in reply to Lyubov

I had Regeneron and felt better in 24 hours

MrG68 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear that, I guess most people are going to get this omicron variant at some stage. I was reading that some melatonin can be a good thing to take for both COVID and prostate cancer. Maybe you could look into researching that. It’s a safe molecule and is more powerful antioxidant than glutathione apparently. Obviously discuss it with your doctor if you decide to try it.

Hope that helps.

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to MrG68

50 Mg melatonin nightly and ionic zinc drops in water every day. Double inoculation and booster, but still caught Covid...aren't I lucky.... Life Is Good and I'm not done yet....

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Shooter1

I'm not happy you got covid but I gave you a "like" because of your positive attitude. Your sense of humor "life is good---so is breathing".

Dodge this bullet brother.

mrscruffy profile image

Had it last week and I also am in AZ, super light after having it once and vaccine. Two days and good to go in the yard moving 1800 lbs of sand

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to mrscruffy

Sounds good. No sand available here, but lots of snow/ice. Front walk and trail to mail box next. Got gates to back yard and garbage can done yesterday...Took 2 hours to catch my breath after coming in out of the cold... Nice crackling fire in fireplace adds a nice touch to my recovery time... Hot tea all day today.

mrscruffy profile image
mrscruffy in reply to Shooter1

After moving sand got to sit on the dock with my female friends who supervised me working. Young women are a blessing and a curse but mostly a blessing😀

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to Shooter1

🙁, hope things have gotten much better.

Getting COVID is a possibility as is me getting hit and killed while out bicycling. Wife waits for a phone call about me being scraped off the pavement every time I go out and yet she WANTS ME TO RIDE because it brings me enjoyment. Live life for the moment because the next breathe could be the last taken.

OOPS, time to bicycle to WALMART for some ice cream. 😀

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to addicted2cycling

You have the 'live life for the moment ' right... With this darned disease, we wait anxiously every time we get a PSA test or new scan.. ice cream helps.

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to Shooter1

Back from Walmart but skipped the ICE CREAM, just too cold here in SW FL so it's Filet Mignon tonight.😀Only kidding since I had a small piece this AM for breakfast. Right-On👍👍about PSA and Scan jitters waiting for results but recently I've just decided it's time for a *the Halibut (hell) with it* reaction. At the moment I'm feeling OK so I'll *make hay* today and JUST MAYBE I'll wake up dead tomorrow and not be reminded of this crap.


Skipper238 profile image

Hang tough. Your booster shot is going to serve you well. Good luck.

john_in_pa profile image

I caught it last week. Lost all smell and taste. I employed the strategies from this MedCram

Not to make light of your situation (feel better!) but ultimately there are two kinds of people in this world.

- Those that have had it and

- Those that will get it! ;)

I hope it passes without incident.

It’s Good that you’re boosted and covered some what? Get well soon ! 😩

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to

Good that I didn't make a concerted effort to get down to see you while in Flagstaff getting exposed to covid. Live well Scott.

Javelin18 profile image

My niece just tested positive for COVID. I sent this article on approved COVID treatments to my brother. Might be available in AUS.

Rhinochaser profile image

I got Omicron over x-mas. I'm stage 4 being treated at UCSD. If you have Omicron, you should try to get the monoclonal antibody, Sotrovimab. Remdesevir is not as effective against Omicron. Talk to doc about which covid flavor you have. Sotrovimab knocked it out in 30 hours for me. UCSD Moore's Cancer Center, referred me to UCSD's Infections Disease. Cancer and heart transplant patients were getting priority.

Dsmejkal88 profile image

Call your pcp, mine gave meds and an inhaler. I’m having a breathing issue with covid. Kicking myself for not getting the booster, my dad is the only one who isn’t sick and the only one who got the booster. Hope you feel better soon!

larry_dammit profile image

Had my shots but still caught Covid, caught it quick with the cough, doctor sent me straight to the clinic for the. Infusion treatment. Got over it quick.

ppulatie profile image

Just got two packets of the ivermectin protocol for Covid. 14 day regime for when/if I get it. Doc used it for his own treatment when he caught the Vid. Ivermectin came from India through a friend. So good to go here if wife and I both get it.

lancer82801 profile image

Sorry to hear you have joined the ranks of those of us that have gotten Covid or have it now. Hopefully you respond well to treatment and recover quickly Here is a link From the Nebraska Attorney Generals office. It is a ruling saying they will not prosecute Health providers for prescribing medications off label. This is a very comprehensive opinion and I encourage anyone interested to read it. It is more than worth your time


jackcop profile image
jackcop in reply to lancer82801


lancer82801 profile image
lancer82801 in reply to jackcop

thanks grabbed the wrong link

Teufelshunde profile image

Adult kids just had it and wife. We were prepared as we now know the “vaccine” is not really a vaccine. Used Front Line Doctors I-Mask protocol and after 2 days all back to normal. Just like PC, kill the invaders early so they don’t replicate.

I hear you. I hope you get well fast. I am in AZ. I've been double vaxxed and boosted yet I have given up playing weekend poker tournaments until this omicron peaks and recedes.

lopwillie profile image

I find it a bit strange...all, you all talking about COVID that has a 99% cure rate, with a bunch of folks with prostate cancer that has about 1% cure rate. Just think if the drug companies had come up with all these vaccinations and boosters shots to kill cancer? Cheers William

Rocketman1960 profile image

oral steroids such as Advair were a life saver for me. Along with D, C, Zinc and a mucus thinner. Hang tough. You are in my prayers Shooter.

j-o-h-n profile image

Best remedy...............SEX..... That'll give you a boost.....that's for sure.......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 01/22/2022 3:56 PM EST

Ylwhorse profile image

My husband is and I got our booster today. We've been lucky so far. He also suffers from Stage 4 prostate cancer, small cell. Hope you feel well soon

Aodh profile image

Sorry to hear that you caught the virus. Take good care of U’rself and don’t hesitate to go to the hospital if U’r symptoms worsen; don’t wait or delay.

Hope U recover soon


Haniff profile image

Hi Shooter1

Keep on breathing Bro, without air, nothing else matters Sir! 😉

Take care 😷

Haniff ❤️

SuppWife profile image

Hope you're feeling better!

Quick2019 profile image

Me and my wife had it 2 weeks ago. Fully vaccinated and boosted. My symptoms were about like a bad cold. My wife was asymptomatic.

Pretty wife told me that MPCA and Covid did not have a chance to get me. (She has seen me drive! ;)

Shooter1 profile image

Better night last night. Less cough, less aching bones. Still stuffed up but not dripping. Thanks to all for your best wishes for me to again prevail over a troublesome disease. Now if aPca will just behave I'll be happy... Life Is Good, I agree with Haniff, breathing is good too.

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