I have been on BAT for about 9 months. My PSA dropped slowly from 9 to 6 over several months and now has risen back to about 9. One complication has been the high estradiol which we have yet to get under control.
We started measuring estradiol (thanks to Friedman's book) a month or so into BAT and it came in at an astounding 200, and then started with 1mg arimidex/day and that got it down to 180, lol. Upped it to 2 for a couple months and now is at 100. (Normal is 15-30) . My onc is upping it to 3/day and I am pressing for 4. (no response on that request yet).
BTW, these measurements are taken just prior to the monthly shot.
Anyway, trying to understand when is the time to switch off BAT given that perhaps lowering the estradiol to normal may reverse the trend. Yes, I am biased, I like that BAT, lol. But I don't want to be stupid.