Does Medicare cover the cost of Xtandi?
Xtandi: Does Medicare cover the cost of... - Advanced Prostate...

Yes but not much. You might do better ordering it from India. If you need details, let me know.
Out of interest, how much is a month's supply from India?
Magnus which brand do you recommend from india. There seem to be a couple of companies making it
I expect my MO will have me starting on xtandi soon and would appreciate learning how I could purchase it from India
Here is the link to an Indian website for xtandi.
You should also have your MO contact Xtandi Support Solutions. If you qualify they will help the cost of xtandi.
You should also contact Xtandi Support Solutions or really, your doctor should.
When I looked into retiring and Medicare, My copays for meds was going to be $6,000 a month. I worked another year and a half to keep med coverage at work be for I could retire. Now VA picks up most of my med. supplies. Life is Good, especially if you can afford to enjoy it!!.
Not completely, you can go on the Xtandi website and apply for their patient assistance program, it’s not hard to qualify and once you do there’s no charge for it.
I have half a bottle left I can send to someone who needs it. Just not sure how to send. I’m in Canada.
The social worker in our clinic applied to the company for help and it was covered 100%. FYI you do not need to be low income to qualify.