No Alcohol - evidence??: Ive seen this... - Advanced Prostate...

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No Alcohol - evidence??

Stoneartist profile image
62 Replies

Ive seen this advice for us PCa fighters so many times. I used to be a beer drinker (British beers) and home brewer - but stopped abruptly after PCa diagnosis - due to the carbohydrate content. I take 1-2 glasses of red wine every day - and comfort myself with the indications that the Phytochemical content of red wine may help in the fight - but mostly because I intend to enjoy life - and I enjoy red wine. (much research on this).

But how often are we told by our MO - No alcohol!! - or on the other hand - eat and drink normally.

Does anybody know of any studies which can support the NO ALCOHOL advice.??

For me this is yet another example of "everything in moderation" when approaching our daily diet.

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Stoneartist profile image
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62 Replies
dexy1234 profile image

Clearly, excessive alcohol consumption in any circumstances is not advisable. However, drinking small quantities with regular recovery breaks is a great aid to enhancing QOL. The critical factor is to avoid negatively impacting your immune system.

LearnAll profile image

Excessive alcoholic drink of any type is not good for anyone. For people with PCa, it is really bad. Why? Because lupron/ADT has heart side effects and overaccumulation of fluids due to alcoholic drinks may put more pressure on heart...and cause serious problems if you already have congestive heart failure. The second problem is that alcohol has a lot of empty, nutritionless calories.. which causes even more weight gain over top of what ADT is already doing. And Obesity helps the cancer to grow faster. Alcohol increases abdominal fat.. remember "beer belly" and "Gynecomastia" .. due to its estrogenic effect...Do We need more of those ?Third problem with high alcohol intake is much increased risk of falls and fractures/head injuries because ADT already has made bones fragile and weak.

Fourth problem is that alcohol abusing obese man has higher risk of driving accidents due to slowed reaction time and cognitive impairment.

So should men with PCa not drink at all ? No..I am not saying that. What I am saying is that (1) Limit alcohol to 30 ml a day. You can calculate it ...Beer contains 4% alcohol, Wine contains 12 to 14 % alcohol and liquor contains approx. 40% alcohol.

(2) Type of drink matters.. Liquor is worst because it causes sharp rise of alcohol level in blood, Beer is better and Red Wine is best because it has Resveratrol and other polyphenols which are good for PCa and Heart. (3) Alcohol messes up with sleep. .early waking up is caused by alcohol.

Bottomline ?

Limited alcohol per day (30 ml) preferably Red Wine and not driving after drinking.

Stoneartist profile image
Stoneartist in reply to LearnAll

Fine - but where do you get your 30ml/day from??

LearnAll profile image
LearnAll in reply to Stoneartist

I drink 2 times a week and I get my 30 ml alcohol by one glass of red wine. One glass of Red Wine can get 30+ ml of alcohol. Most Red Wines have 12% alcohol to get 30 ml one needs 250 ml of Red Wine.

Stoneartist profile image
Stoneartist in reply to LearnAll

Jepp - same here - but I meant do we have any studies which lead to that figure - I remember a certain J-curve but is there anything recent?

LearnAll profile image
LearnAll in reply to Stoneartist

There are a lot of studies from last 20-30 years about alcohol's effect (less than 2 drinks in men and less than 1 drink a day in women) indicating some benefit on risk of coronary heart disease. But, after 2 drinks a day, the risk of heart problem steadily goes up as the amount is increased. I have not seen a study showing direct adverse effects of alcohol on PCa. But any one who understands physiology and metabolism can easily see the negative effects of alcohol on men with PCa who are on ADT.

Stoneartist profile image
Stoneartist in reply to LearnAll

Thanks - that was also my impression - more to do with a healthy lifestyle than specifically PCa. Thats why I react to those who state "no alcohol".

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to LearnAll

Good thing I don't know how much 30 ml is.

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply to monte1111

Haha 😆 🍷

Magnus1964 profile image

I stoppped all alcohol consumption after my diagnosis. After a year or so I started drinking an occasional red wine with a meal. Now I have one or two German beers a week. Alcohol in moderation.

in reply to Magnus1964

I like the heffenwizen

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to

Octoberfest is my weakness.

Rocketman1960 profile image
Rocketman1960 in reply to Magnus1964

Doesn't sound like a weakness at all. It is a celebration of the gifts from the Almighty.

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to Magnus1964

Januaryfest, Februaryfest .... It's a Festivus for the rest of us.

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to monte1111

My distributor said Spaten Octoberfest would be available year round. Love it.

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to Magnus1964

I love a connoisseur.

in reply to monte1111

I like dinosaurs

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to

Kindda knew Barney was right up there at the top of your likes.

in reply to monte1111

Barney's older brother Monte is my favorite. 🦕

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to

Mother always liked Barney best.

in reply to Magnus1964

Like the Spaten but IMO Augustiner is the best.

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to

I knew you would.

VHRguy profile image
VHRguy in reply to Magnus1964

I don't intend to stop living just to avoid dying. We all go sometime.

Severe dietary changes help some people feel a sense of control, when cancer steals that away. It helps people psychologically to feel like they're "doing something".

My personal opinion is that good health is what matters, with a balanced diet and limited stress. Stopping some category of food, only eating some other category of food, seems of only modest value once one is already in the cancer fight. Do it if you think it matters, but don't avoid standard treatments in lieu of dietary pursuits. (Ask Steve Jobs about how well that works. Oh wait, you can't.)

Magnus1964 profile image
Magnus1964 in reply to VHRguy

I am one who feels that not eating meat helps. All of those growth hormones can't be good for prostate cancer. I don't miss it.

VHRguy profile image
VHRguy in reply to Magnus1964

If you feel better doing that, by all means go right ahead! It won't hurt anything, as long as you get B12 from somewhere.

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to VHRguy

I so agree. And stopping Jack Daniels for Vodka seems of only modest value to me.

pjoshea13 profile image

From 5 years ago:

fwiw. I have had a bottle of red & some scotch every day since diagnosis 17+ years ago. I'm afraid to stop - lol.


Stoneartist profile image
Stoneartist in reply to pjoshea13

Patrick - that is a fantastic article - Seems like I can return to the high hop beers I used to drink - in moderation of course. Many thanks

in reply to pjoshea13

Don’t stop now!🍷

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to pjoshea13

If you don't stop, you won't get a hangover.

Frigataflyer profile image
Frigataflyer in reply to pjoshea13

Me too. Red wine helps my appetite. And Scotch helps when “I feel like having a drink”

Tall_Allen profile image

This study suggests alcohol is good:

This study suggests alcohol is bad:

I agree with you - moderation! Why would anyone restrict one's enjoyment of life without a very good reason?

There may be other reasons to refrain - e.g., drug interactions, sleeplessness, weight control.

Stoneartist profile image
Stoneartist in reply to Tall_Allen

Nice illustration of the need to look into the details of studies before concluding anything. The positive result is from 47,568 cancer-free men over a 26 year time period - so its quite robust. But it doesnt necessarily tell us about alcohol and PCa. But it gives significant support to the idea that red wine is positive for cancer reduction.

The negative result is much smaller and in my mind much less robust. But there is a whole bunch of info there. It cites high alcohol consuption as the baddie:

Although trend analyses suggested some dose-response relationships, significant associations emerged only for upper intake categories, raising the possibility of a threshold effect.

So this also is compatible with a zero or slightly positive effect from moderate consumption - especially wine.

A couple of red wines are good for the heart. Personally, I quit too. My tak-700 drug doesn’t mix with alcohol well. Good thing is that I have no further taste for it beyond a social event or an occasional glass. 🍷🍺alcohol in celebration is ok. Just don’t start chugging vodka!

Cooolone profile image

Love a good German Bier!And I'm a Bourbon snob, lolz, have some good 120+ proof barrel batch hootch just waiting to be drank,hahaha

But truth be told, there hasn't been much indulgence lately. And when I've had a few beers, they don't do anything anyways. So eehhhhh...

But a drink here and there certainly doesn't hurt anything! Enjoy everything in moderation!

Fash01 profile image
Fash01 in reply to Cooolone

Pappy Von Winkle? Not sure if I’ve got the name right but I’ve enjoyed shots of this none the less!

Cooolone profile image
Cooolone in reply to Fash01

Hahaha had some, it's overrated! ;)

But it's more of a slow sipping whiskey, rather than shots! Especially the high proof, but you enjoy it much more that way (slow), lol

Shooter1 profile image

After my Proveng treatment yesterday, I had a fine steak and 6 oz of Cab. First steak in months and a glass of wine every other Sunday is my normal intake... QOL is maintained when possible.

treedown profile image

I stopped after dx for about a year. Started having 1 beer 12 oz here and there or a glass of wine here or there. No spirits. I had 2 beers the other night when out foenthe first time in over 2 years.

dockam profile image

I still have beers, albeit mostly Light with occasional Red Lagers or a Pineapple Cart. Also have Caffeine free Diet Coke and Kraken rum💙

Beers and Beach
Gearhead profile image

How can you possibly enjoy a great evening meal without a glass of wine?

Stevecavill profile image

I’ve never been told “no alcohol” by any doctor, MO or otherwise

Poowater profile image

I don't Imbibe, maybe the advice is to limit alcohol for some drugs.

Stoneartist profile image

Well folks, I think people drink alcohol for many reasons, and people dont drink for many reasons. It seems to me that the scientific evidence does not allow you to use PCa as a reason not to drink - and does tell you that excessive drink is bad for most health issues - including PCa.

All things in moderation!!

Keep strong & safe!!

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply to Stoneartist

This review of a study raises questions.........

Perhaps this group of men isn't representative? this topic may lead to a thicket of thorns?

Lettuce231 profile image

We are all adults, we all make our own choices. What's in tap water these days, what's in a chocolate bar, some wines contain extra chemical to make it clear faster, some red wines make your joints ache, lager makes you fat, organic beer is better, waking up in the early hours of the morning and not sleeping well, I can do that anyway, all the studies in the world will produce nothing concrete.

Look at the brewing process for a good whiskey, I can't see much wrong in that 🤔, but I wouldn't because naturally I have a bias towards it.

I guess if you get up at some point during the day and your mind immediately has visions of going to the local supermarket and buying some of that crap cider or awful, get pissed as fast as possible lager, then you've got a problem.

But if you sit down at the end of a day and pour yourself a drop of " the water of life " and enjoy it over an hour of relaxation, then perhaps have another just to prove that you really are relaxed, then why beat yourself up over it. I don't.

Anyway cheers, me dears ........ are you ready Bob ?


Survivor1965 profile image
Survivor1965 in reply to Lettuce231

An excellent response!

High_flyer profile image

My husband is on dexamethasone. Drinking alcohol while on that gave him major stomach upset. He went dry for a few months to get back to “normal”. Now, he’s able to have something now and then., but not daily. Before dex, wasn’t a problem.

CharlieBC profile image
CharlieBC in reply to High_flyer

I enjoy the drink. The only time I pulled back was on Zytiga, my liver enzymes went sky high. So to reduce stress on the liver, I cut way back. But, even on the half dose of Zytiga, my lever was affected. So, off Zytiga, and on to Cabernet.

CharlieBC profile image
CharlieBC in reply to CharlieBC

Liver, not lever

NOCanceros profile image

HelloMy opinion about Alcohol ,we the people here are fighting the cancer and if we drink in a moderate way i think its okej .Avoid to take alcohol together with your medecin. J.P chenet a french wine BIO is good to take it in a moderate way .we have at least to enjoy our life.

mike__d__c profile image

It is difficult to live in the Pacific northwest without an occadional beer.

MateoBeach profile image

Enjoy without fear. 🍷to life.

GreenStreet profile image

Like you I have switched from beer to red wine. A couple of glasses a day 4 to 5 days a week.

andy_diggs profile image

What ever your choice on drinking, it is a worthwhile exercise to see how your glucose response goes when you do that. I avoid the carb beers as my glucose (and hence insulin) spike rapidly even with modest carb intake, but a glass of red wine will lower my glucose levels, however I know others where a glass of red will spike their glucose up. These day I limit my glass of wine to Friday/Sat/Sunday and have a break during the week.

JPnSD profile image

Lest we forget...this is your life...your journey. What makes your life feel like living is an important consideration. My French heritage has taught me, friends, food, and wine are essential :) I don't wish to feel like I died while living.

Doseydoe profile image

I seem to remember a study that showed how alcohol made ugly people more attractive..... I'll see if I can dig up the reference.

cigafred profile image
cigafred in reply to Doseydoe

Jackie Gleason said he liked to drink because it made the warts on his friends disappear.

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply to Doseydoe

Haha 😆

Ausi profile image

I have a glass of wine a day, I wash away the alcohol effects with a few beers

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply to Ausi

Haha 😆

witantric profile image

I stopped all together few years. PCa was not the reason. I tended to over drink.

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