He covers a number of common illnesses. I only summarise what I consider the main points from the section on cancer with the hope of stimulating discussion.
He does not claim to cure cancer and says "but it does help, and we have helped hundreds of patients treat (manage or control) their cancer".
He does not mention PCa in particular.
He usually refers cancer patients to the oncologists at M D Anderson. He gives patients advice on diet and appears to give the same dietary advice to all Stage 1 and 2 patients for all cancer patients. His modified Mediteranean diet is meant to reduce inflammation in the body. For Stages 3 and 4 cancer patients he advises a mainly plant based ketogenic diet.
Stage 1 and 2 Cancers
For stages 1 and 2 cancers he also advises supplements and exercise and to eliminate their problem foods, as determined using the Alcat test which measures "non-IgE mediated reactions to foods, chemicals and other substances".
He does not say much about supplements for cancer patients but there is an appendix which lists four supplements which appear to be marketed by him for general health.
He advises patients to avoid or minimize corn, gluten, and breads, except sprouted or fermented bread on occasion and in moderation.
He states the following foods help prevent cancer:
1. broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, spinach, kale cabbage 2. Wild salmon, wild trout, wild sardines 3. Green tea 4. Flax seeds 5. Sea vegetables (kelp, dulse, red and brown seaweed 6. Curry 7. Apples, citrus fruits, pomegrananates, berries.
Regarding apples he recommends the Granny Smith variety as having a lower glycemic level.
Regarding fats, he recommends omega 3 and monounsaturated fats.
He gives a 7 layered pyramid of suggested foods. At the bottom are foods you eat daily and at the top are foods that you eat only occasionally. This pyramid of foods is too detailed to put here but most of the foods are low glycemic index plant based foods although small amounts of cheese, yogurt and meats are allowed occasionally.
He suggests that all fried foods are eliminated from your diet and that 2 to 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and one handful of raw almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews, walnuts or macadamia are eaten daily.
He recommends that low Mercury fish are eaten.
Fish are eaten more than other meats.
At Level 7 red meats are eaten only a few times a month.
Do not eat the same foods every day.
Stage 3 and 4 Cancers
He gives detailed lists of foods. This is just a summary.
It is a ketogenic diet. He mentions the work of Dr Thomas Seyfried on ketogenic diets but has modified it to use more healthy oils.
80% healthy plant based fats, 15% greens, 5% protein, mostly from plants but some organic/free range turkey, chicken and eggs and wild salmon, sardines and trout are allowed.
For herbs and spices he mentions basil, black pepper, cardamom, cilantro, garlic, ginger, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme, turmeric and curry.
Tomatoes, carrots, beets, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice and most fruit are out because of higher sugar. A slice of lemon or lime and a few berries are allowed in ketosis.
"You also need a good multivitamin and vitamin C as the diet eliminates most fruits".
For exercise he suggests starting with15 to 30 minutes a day brisk walking.