FIRMIGON INJECTION need advise on how... - Advanced Prostate...

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FIRMIGON INJECTION need advise on how it’s given

Christopherg profile image
35 Replies

I am having my first Firmigon injection

Any advice on how to ease the pain of the injection

And what to do afterwards

I was told the first time I have to get 2 injections

Thank you so much


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Christopherg profile image
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35 Replies
Timfc profile image

Here is the information supplied by the manufacturer:d2hu1op93domjx.cloudfront.n...

It is important to give the injection over 30 seconds.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to Timfc

I will make sure to let the nurse know

Sincerely appreciate

fmenninger profile image
fmenninger in reply to Christopherg

Also….don’t look at the needle! Think happy thoughts….

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to fmenninger


Tall_Allen profile image

Try icing skin before and after.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to Tall_Allen

Should I be taking any pain medication?

Thank you so much for the icing tip

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Christopherg

Up to you.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to Tall_Allen


spencoid2 profile image
spencoid2 in reply to Christopherg

My nurse injects it very slowly. The pain is really minimal both the injection and after. It does hurt a little for a day or two but not enough to keep me awake at night. I do have a high tolerance for pain so your results may differ.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to spencoid2

Thank you so much

GP24 profile image

Here instructions with images of the process:

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to GP24

This helps a lot

Many thanks


Jac_J profile image

I had a double dose initial Firmagon injection 4 months ago. I looked at the information available on the web site which I found useful.

The injection does not hurt at all. Initially. After a few day the two injection sites were inflamed like I had a wasp sting. Slightly itchy also. It made sleeping on the injection site uncomfortable for a week or so. So get the injections in an area where it wont impact your sleep. i.e If your a side sleeper don't get them in the side of your abdomen. Also the Firmagon injection sites were left with slightly hard subcutaneous cysts. A know issue.

I swapped to monthly Eligard injections after the first Firmagon dose. Eligard injections are a total non-event. I could get them all day everyday with zero negative side effects.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to Jac_J

Thank you. All I can do is hope its not as bad as I have heard it is.

PSA680 profile image

Good morning Chris

I’ve been having Firmagon injections since 23 March 2020.

Firstly I’d like to stress how effective the combination has been for me in conjunction with Enzalutamide (Xtandi) as my first treatment since diagnosis. PSA has been undetectable since Nov 20 ALP is low & Testosterone is low. Myself & my oncologist are delighted with the results to date.

I have however experienced post injection SEs in addition to the long term SEs associated with my treatment. The injection site(s) allows inflame 12-18hrs after the jab & feel like I’ve been stabbed in the stomach - making sleeping, bending, driving etc painful for 48-72hrs. The site remains raised for about 4-6wks after the jab. On several occasions I’ve also experienced headaches, raised heart rate, sickness feelings & extreme tiredness (even more than the fatigue I live with) . I sought advice on this forum & Tall Alan suggested antihistamines may help-I have been taking these at injection time for a couple of months and they definitely helped me. I was reluctant to mention to my oncologist for fear of him taking me off the treatment which is working so well but finally discussed it with him. He said antihistamines were a good idea & to continue but also prescribed steroids (Dexamethasone) 1 day before & for 5 days at injection time. Only done this once & although still painful red swelling none of the other SEs. I also find moisturising the injection site areas for a week before helps, using savlon (I’m in UK) to cool the site, using ice and compression but not directly (via a couple of layers).

Hope this helps & goid look with the SEs & hope the treatment does it’s job

Kind Regards


Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to PSA680

Hi Darren

Thank you so much for your reply

I am very sorry to hear that of the discomfort and pain

What we go through is not for the faint hearted

So well done to you for enduring

The process

I will get sackings and prescriptions as you mentioned as backup

I don’t like unnecessary pain!!

That’s great the treatment is working well for you and long may it last

Sincere thanks for sharing all this information

I will be prepared

Keep well


PSA680 profile image
PSA680 in reply to Christopherg

You’re most welcome my friend

1Ubspaine profile image

I had my first and fortunately my only Firmagon double injection about a month ago. I did not find the event particularly painful or difficult and it was performed by a nurse who stated she had never given them before(wish she had not told me that).Some minor itching, hardness at the injection sites for a week or so(no big deal).

I did have a fair amount of digestion issues for about a week afterwards that resulted in some nasty side effects(you can guess), I had to change my diet to the bananas, applesauce routine. My doctor said this reaction is rare to the medicine and then thankfully after a rough week my body adjusted and no aside effects.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to 1Ubspaine

That’s very reassuring

Thank you so much for this

Wishing you well



London441 profile image

You have no doubt noticed in your replies the level of injection pain/trauma experienced range from none to extreme.

I never had injection pain and wondered what the fuss was about when I heard about guys having problems with Firmagon.

However, I then ound out that Firmagon is a monthly shot- and a different drug, even though producing the same effect-and evidently more painful on average. Aha! I just figured I was lucky to be taking 3 month Eligard instead.

Of course, I later read/heard of guys complaining about Lupron and Eligard injections being painful too, sometimes extremely so.

I couldn’t imagine how that can be,still can’t. But I’ve learned that’s how it is with all of this. Our tolerance for pain/side effects and susceptibility to them differs greatly.

In the last 2 years I’ve had a prostate biopsy, a prostatectomy, ADT, abiraterone, chemo, , INRT radiation, cystoscopy, artificial sphincter surgery and several other medications of course. Other than some occasional fatigue from the ADT and the chemo I have had little difficulty.

Every one of these things I’ve seen guys complain bitterly about.

Am I a tough guy? Not particularly.

However it is possible that arriving a dedicated athlete at diagnosis and throughout, combined with a healthy diet, has greatly enhanced whatever fortitude I do possess. Probably it always has.

London441 profile image
London441 in reply to London441

TA’s advice to ice before and after is a probably a good one. I tried it for my first shot and it worked great. The next time I forgot and there was no difference.

Again, my only advice is to exercise as much as you possibly can, because whatever discomfort you feel from the injections is nothing compared to what you’ll feel on the Firmagon if you don’t.

esperandrich profile image
esperandrich in reply to London441

I am only two months in on the Lupron shot but so far same for me as far as side effects but I really think that exercising or doing some activity that makes you sweat works. Don't overdo it though.

I golf three days and ride a stationary bike for 40 minutes and do 25 lb weights three days. One day I rest. 65 yrs old.

I live in a hot climate so when I do feel the hot flashes five or six times a day it just feels kind of normal.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to esperandrich

I golf too twice a week and work out regularly. Wish I lived in a hot climate too. You have one on me especially during the winter. Lucky you indeed.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to London441

You are indeed one of the fortunate ones that comes with determination. Well done to you for fighting the good fight.

London441 profile image
London441 in reply to Christopherg

Thanks. Well I’m plenty inspired I admit that. Fortunate is a grand understatement. I survived 20 years of drug addiction well before encountering our disease. It’s been 35 years since I stopped, but I still feel like it’s house money every day.

Beautiful, supportive spouse, dedicated friends, a happy home, work I love.

Lifelong fitness habits preceded my diagnosis as well. So ok I’ve had something to do with that. What’s the old saying, ‘the harder I work the luckier I get’?

Bottom line: The fitness has made everything far, far easier than it might have been.

Which is why I’m always on here pushing the exercise. It is a SUPREME difference maker! Believe it.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to London441

Thank you for sharing your inspiring life. I agree fitness is so important. And counting your blessings as you do. Please keep encouraging the exercise. Sometimes its not so easy, but once done, its worth the effort. Blessings to you and good health. Chris.

Ramp7 profile image

I haven't read all the comments. For me the Nurse places a bag full of ice right on my skin, at point of injection. After 15 or 20 minutes, the area is completely numb. I truly feel nothing. A little burning afterwards. All the best.

kainasar profile image

This combination = no SE's , no welts, irritation

2 IBuprophen before. Ice 30 min b4.

Ask nurse

1/45deg angle 2in away from navel

and above or below beltline.

2/ Slow injection

3/ Pinch, hold needle as inj is withdrawn for 30sec at least Then pressure on pucture until sealed with bandaid. After that about 15 ice with no pressure over

inj site.

(the degerelix formula should be kept out of the layers of skin amap otherwise irritation at inj site)

Works ev time!

Stevana profile image

Hey Chris, If you’re not into needles you can do away with all the side effects of a monthly Firmagon injection by switching to Orgovyx, the daily oral equivalent of Firmagon. Ask your MO about it. It takes some work coordinating with your insurance company to get approval, but I found it a worthy alternative to monthly injections. I pay a $10 copay for a 30 day supply.

When getting injections, ask the nurse to insert the needle at a 45 degree angle and to push the drug in slowly for about 60 seconds. And no pulling out early. When it’s done right it greatly reduces painful side effects. Good luck.

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to Stevana

Thank you so much. I have taken all notes very carefully and will read them to the nurse well before any injection is give. Sincere thanks and good health to you.

Please don’t fret brother. The shot is no biggie. My first shot was a one month shot of firmagon . Then I moved on to 3 month Lupron shots. I was so sick of shots I chopped my balls off 2015 . For me they said” shots for life” ! Best move ever for me. Losing all of your t is special . The effects are big. The shot itself is nothing to fear . Good luck . 👍🍀

Who told you that it’s that bad? 🧐Pray that it pushes the pc away! Then it is worth a little pain . IMO firmagon is best . My first shot took my PSA down never to be seen again. Good luck ! 🍀👍

Christopherg profile image
Christopherg in reply to

That’s great news

Thanks for sharing

Continued good health to you



in reply to Christopherg

Be well Chris

Christopherg profile image

Thank you so much to all you kind gentleman for all your advise on the Firmigon injection. Thanks to you the first 2 jabs were ok. I didn’t feel a thing because my belly was frozen from 20 minutes of ice bags on it. The Tylenol and aleve taken before and for a couple of days after helped a lot. I wrote out very carefully all the instructions and gave it to the nurse to read. She followed the instructions as I followed her through the process.

I felt a little sore for about 4 days but not too bad

I will be taking these instructions with me for every jab day

My very sincere and grateful thanks to you all

For your time and trouble

Good health and happy summer


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