Long term Zytiga >9 years.: Hi all Here... - Advanced Prostate...

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Long term Zytiga >9 years.

TommyTV profile image
32 Replies

Hi all

Here in the U.K. , I’m possibly the longest survivor on Zytiga, at over 9 years since joining the drug trial of Zytiga at diagnosis in combination with ADT.

Six days ago, I was hospitalised with a potassium level of 2.4. I was rushed in and passed straight through triage, onto a heart monitor and started on a 4 hour drip of potassium. That increased K to 2.7, then another drip, but it dropped back down to 2.5. BP was 220/125! For the next two days I was on continuous drips to maintain the 2.5 level. BP around 200/100. A long discussion with my doctor, and an explanation about Zytiga (a little known drug here) about how it works, plus further info on other effects I had set her off on a complex investigation.

It appears the Zytiga may (and I stress may) have caused me to develop a something called Hyperaldesteroneism. All my symptoms fit. The next day, they gave me a drug which blocks Aldesterone and my K shot back to 3.6, normal, where it’s stayed.

I’ve searched the Internet for papers on this, but there are only two from 2011.

I’m in the U.K. is anyone familiar with others on such long term Zytiga who’s now having these issues?


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TommyTV profile image
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32 Replies
tom67inMA profile image

I have no practical advice, but just want to say you've been an inspiration and I was really hoping to get years and years out of abiraterone based on your experience. Sadly I only got a little over a year, but what a year it was. I can also confirm that non-oncologist doctors aren't familiar with this drug, and I remember having to tell my GP how to spell it.

StePeteMN profile image

I have no advice, but will continue eating a banana every day to keep my K up where it belongs!

Danish-patient profile image

Wow, you beat me to the line - I’ve “only” taken Zytiga for six years. Never had any issues with it. Now, just last week, I transitioned into Rucaparip instead.

Cmdrdata profile image
Cmdrdata in reply to Danish-patient

I am curious. Been on Z for 34 months. Why did you switch to rucaparib? Rising PSA?

Danish-patient profile image
Danish-patient in reply to Cmdrdata

I was switched to the Triton3 clinical study of Rucaparip mainly because I have a major defect in my BRCA-1 gene. My PSA is only rising slightly, now at 1.2, but scans have shown a met growing near my right hip.

Cmdrdata profile image
Cmdrdata in reply to Danish-patient

Thanks. Yes, if you have detectable met and increased PSA, it’s time to go to the next level.Good luck and stay active.

JNunes profile image


It is what my heart wishes for my father. Best wishes to you.

Tall_Allen profile image

That's why one always takes prednisone with Zytiga - 5 mg/day if you're still hormone sensitive, 10 mg/day if you are castration resistant.. But these are rough amounts, individual needs vary. What you are suffering from is called syndrome of secondary mineralocorticoid excess. Symptoms are low potassium, high BP and edema. It means you weere not taking enough prednisone. This is explained here:


Your potassium and BP levels should have been monitored and prednisone adjusted accordingly.

BTW- congratulations on setting a record for abiraterone use!

TommyTV profile image
TommyTV in reply to Tall_Allen

I’ve been monitored every 8 weeks. Full bloods etc. My wife passed away on Christmas Eve, my birthday is Christmas Day, resulting in very high stress. I started to see the sudden drop in K shortly after, along with numerous other side effects. I’ve a meeting with endocrinologist at The Christie shortly.

bean1008 profile image
bean1008 in reply to TommyTV

Tommy, I'm so sorry that you've lost your wife. It makes me want to cry...and I don't think it's the Lupron and Zytiga. :-( Best wishes to you, sir.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to TommyTV

To TommyTV, You have my sincerest condolences regarding your wife's passing. May she rest in peace surrounded by God's love.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 02/17/2021 9:34 PM EST

Wings-of-Eagles profile image

Hi TommyTV

Congrats on that record, keep being well. Maybe the Dr will give you a break..or like a Zytiga vacation! I've been undetectable on 1000mg Zytiga for 6 1/2 years, taken with 10 mg prednisone, with three short breaks due to Insurance snafus, but my potassium is around 4.0 usually.

My issue is RBC creeping lower, usually at 3.8 to 4.0, but dropped to 3.5 last test(anemic).

Wings in Sunny So Cal

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to Wings-of-Eagles

I looked at these stats and My MO didnt want be to do Zytiga because I have coronary artery disease (30% blockage in 3 small arteries and Angina during vigorous exercise). Have you had any of these problems:


Very common (10% or more): Elevated ALT (up to 41.9%), elevated AST (up to 37.3%)

Common (1% to 10%): Elevated total bilirubin

Postmarketing reports: Fulminant hepatitis, acute liver failure and death[Ref]


Very common (10% or more): Hot flush (up to 22.3%), hypertension (up to 21.6%)

Common (1% to 10%): Arrhythmia, chest pain/chest discomfort, angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, myocardial infarction/ischemia, cardiac failure (e.g., congestive heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction, decreased ejection fraction)

Frequency not reported: QT prolongation[Ref]


Very common (10% or more): Joint swelling/discomfort (up to 30.3%), muscle discomfort (up to 26.2%), contusion (up to 13.3%)

Common (1% to 10%): Groin pain, fractures, falls

Postmarketing reports: Rhabdomyolysis, myopathy[Ref]


Very common (10% or more): Lymphopenia (up to 38.2%), anemia[Ref]


Very common (10% or more): Hypertriglyceridemia (up to 62.5%), hyperglycemia (up to 56.6%), hypernatremia (up to 32.8%), hypokalemia (up to 28.3%), fluid retention/edema (up to 26.7%), hypophosphatemia (up to 23.8%), elevated alkaline phosphatase, hypercholesterolemia[Ref]

Wings-of-Eagles profile image
Wings-of-Eagles in reply to GeorgeGlass

That's long list!

I have only had slight arrhythmia, monitored every 4 months, muscle aches, yes, hairline fractur of tibula 5 years ago. Also anemia, RBC was a low of 3. 8 last month. AST and ALT are in the good range each test, alkaline phosphate is not elevated(normal range) Other than that and the PC thing..fit as an old fiddle! Take care Brother..hey my own Brother is a George, great name!

Wings aka Dan in So Cal

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to Wings-of-Eagles

Sounds good Dan, thanks for the feedback. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and seems like you will continue to do well for a long time. Have a good weekend! You're brother has a good name:)George

What was your diagnoses when you first started Zytiga?

TommyTV profile image
TommyTV in reply to

PSA was 571. Gleason 4+3. Seven major bone Mets to skull, shoulder, two ribs, pelvis and both femurs, plus multiple small Mets all over. Within 12 weeks PSA immeasurable, where it’s stayed continuously for 9 years.

in reply to TommyTV

Wow! thanks.

CSHobie profile image
CSHobie in reply to TommyTV

Tommy, that is amazing, you are my new idol, lol. At what age were you diagnosed?

TommyTV profile image
TommyTV in reply to CSHobie


GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to TommyTV

How many years have you been on Zytiga? When did you start it? Any other bad side effects besides what you mentioned?

16starsky profile image

Wow, my Husband has just started Zytiga after Bicalutimide did nothing for him, Hoping it works as long for him as its worked for you ! Well done that man.We are also in the UK

TommyTV profile image
TommyTV in reply to 16starsky

I really hope you do too. It’s kept my PSA immeasurable throughout.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to 16starsky

bicalutimide usually does nothing. good luck with the zytiga

FightNow profile image

Hi, I’m so happy to hear someone talking about zytiga because I cant find anyone else talking about their experiences. My dad ia on it and I care for him. We were warned about the potassium issues it can cause, but he hasn’t experienced. But he has only been on it for 3 months. His PSA didn’t start to drop till the 3 month, which scared us to think it wasnt working. Come to find out zytiga can take a while to start working on some people. It still hasnt dropped his alkanase phosphate which has us worried. Can I ask what combination with zytiga you have had 9 years blessings with? Stay in touch. Dad has a dr apt next week and we will share info we get.

Lettuce231 profile image

9 years, amazing, I hope you continue to get another 9 years, then another, then another.

I am Zytiga, prednisone and the jab, Enantone, I pray that it remains as successful for me as it has for you.

Our consolances for the sad loss of your wif.


MMK-XFuture profile image

Congrats on 9 years with Zytiga and may you continue to have more years with or without it. Condolences on your wife's passing. May she rest in peace. Been on Zytiga/Prednisone for a couple of years myself. Thanks for being part of the trials.

dhccpa profile image

Great that it has worked that long. Very rare.

Cooolone profile image

Congrats on being the statistical stretcher, making everyone else's OS longer too ;) lol

And my condolences on the passing of your wife :(

Your story is amazing and inspiring! May you continue on your journey as you are!

Best Regards

mrscruffy profile image

I had a similar incident in July. Zytiga has an affect on Potassium and lowers it, that coupled with a super low calorie diet and heavy workout load did me in. I got away with a single IV bag and now am on Potassium supplements and have changed my diet. My doctor new exactly what it was and my oncologist chewed my ass for the bad diet plan.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to mrscruffy

Did your head feel weird like you were going to pass out, with an increased blood pressure?

monte1111 profile image

Nine years is just super. So sorry about your wife. Holidays are strange after losing a loved one. Every day is strange for a long time. One day at a time. You will get through this.

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