Home Hospice: Made my decision... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Home Hospice

SatuitMike profile image
54 Replies

Made my decision. Cleared my body of all traces of chemo and radiation. The cancer has jumped to my liver.

In making my QOL decision, my MO believes that more treatment would put back in hospital and my shorten my life.

I have elected to go to home hospice and have quality, not sicknesss. Today is day 3.

Had the Eucharist Sunday for first time in 3 months. Hugged my wife snd two daughters for first time in 2 months.

Watched TB12 earn another trip to Super Bowl with friends..

Gastro issues all set. Just going fight physically, mentally, spiritually for the remaining time. Want to meet my first milestone - see KC graduate from nursing school in may 2021 and Liv from URI in 2022. Will keepyou all updated.

Satuit Mike

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SatuitMike profile image
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54 Replies
ken12491 profile image

You have been through so much - but has your Dr mentioned this to you:


Survivor1965 profile image
Survivor1965 in reply to ken12491

I had cryoablasion on my spine/ribs at Mayo 4/5 years ago. Worked wonderfully as here I sit. I do realize liver mets are worse than bone, but its worth a try. Its relatively pain free procedure because they put you out. Im a believer.

Many blessing to you on your journey. It was a tough post to read, Im sure for most of us.

in reply to Survivor1965

Hello Survivor I am looking at Cryoablasion for my hip. Did it cause any weakening of the bone in the areas.

Survivor1965 profile image
Survivor1965 in reply to

None that I am aware of. Had it twice, spine, ribs

in reply to Survivor1965

Thank you may be looking into this for my hip and shoulder.

GP24 profile image

Your MO may not have any additional drug available but just like Ken recommended I would consult a doctor who offers SIRT for liver mets. There should be several clinics which offer this treatment because it is not limited to prostate cancer.

Hi SatuitMike,

That's a very tough decision to make, but I totally respect your right to make it.

I too made the very difficult decision to stop conventional treatment back in early 2017 due to severe side effects and have only been taking Essiac tincture and CBD oil since then.

Four years later I'm doing fine and have not regretted that decision.

I'm not suggesting anyone else should follow my example. We're all grownups capable of making our own decisions. I'm just reporting what I've done and my results so far.

If you click on my avatar picture you’ll be able to read my bio and some posts I started about those supplements and my own cancer journey.

I'm the first to admit that there's no peer reviewed scientific evidence to show that Essiac tincture or CBD oil are effective, but I've been taking them for 4 years and am very happy with my results so far.

When I stopped conventional treatment in early 2017 due to severe side effects my oncologist assured me that my PSA would keep continually rising and my mets would spread further.

However, 4 years later my PSA is virtually the same as when I was first diagnosed December 2016 and my 2020 PSMA PET scan was better than my December 2016 PSMA PET scan.

Distant metastases had either resolved or reduced in size.

I still see my oncologist every 3 months so he can keep a track of my progress.

He is amazed at how well I'm doing as it's over 4 years since I was first diagnosed. He can't explain it and tells me to keep doing what I've been doing because it seems to be working for me.

Here's a link to the post I started on this forum about my own cancer journey.


Best wishes


doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply to

How much Essiac to you take daily?

Is it in power or capsule?

I am 73 y.o. with a G(4+3=7) Grade 3.

in reply to doc1947g

Just messaged you.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply to


Fig46 profile image
Fig46 in reply to

How much Essiac are you taking? My husband is taking 2 tablets twice a day. Is tincture better?

SatuitMike profile image

Day 2. GI working. My daughters Kathryn has dedcided to be my primary care taker. She has taken leave of absense from BWH. All beds, etc ended up on first floor. It appears she can be paid by workers comp.

in reply to SatuitMike


From your use of a capital E in Eucharist, I am assuming you are Catholic as am I.

I admire your faith and I can only hope I have the same strength and conviction that you are showing if encountering the same situation.

I also assume you have given your situation a great amount of attention and did not come to this decision in hast. I will not comment on that since the decision is a personal one and you and your family are resigned to the eventual outcome

You are blessed to have a daughter who is a nurse. Daughter's are special and nurses are even more special. My mom was a nurse. My wife is a nurse and my daughter started nursing school this year.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

God Bless You.

Justcallmeamy profile image

I love your courage and wish you a long and easy journey until the end.

Wongle1 profile image

Good luck to you my hubby did the same xx

BrentW profile image
BrentW in reply to Wongle1

As we say in Wales, Pawb Lwc. I hope your journey is a long and comfortable one.

Schwah profile image

Thx for sharing your journey. Kept us posted if you are able. Lots of caring folk here willing to share your journey


Haniff profile image

I salute you Sir

It takes a great man to want to decide his own path. Keep the faith and I will be behind you in prayers and support from sunny Singapore ❤️

My love to you and Family

Take care and do what makes you happy 😊


MarkBC profile image

That is a difficult decision to make but you have clearly thought about it and made a decision that is right for you. I wish you well on this next phase of your journey. Please keep us informed how you are doing.

Nathalie89 profile image

Wishing you all thr best. Everyone of ye are heros in my eyes ❤️❤️

kmack57 profile image

🙏 I am close to doing the same, one day at at time with the best quality you can get

Hurling24 profile image

God bless you and your family

FinalBossMatt profile image

Good luck man.

Weezer513 profile image

Best of luck and prayers to you and your family 🙏💙

Istomin profile image

I send you strength.

Hawkwoman76 profile image

You are such an inspiration to me. I applaud your courage! May your days be filled with lots of love and laughter! 🙏🙏🙏

MateoBeach profile image

So wonderful to have this time with your daughter by your side. I am curious about what peace or other mental clarity would arise from your decision and acceptance of life as it is? First: Good luck to your team on the Super Bowl.

Blueslover profile image

Best of luck to you

ocman profile image

Wishing you the best!

Nous profile image

thanks for sharing this Satuit Mike ... it's inspirational ... i think your decision is a very smart one ... i like to think i'd do the same ... will offer Mass for you ... best wishes ... Nous :)

Currumpaw profile image

Hey SatuitMike!

I hope you get to see everything you wish to. Be good to your self with diet and so on.

Don't be rigid in not trying to delay, slow or stabilize your cancer.

ken12491 and Davek1200 had some interesting suggestions.

You've got everyone's support and respect. Do what you've got to do but if something seems feasible--why not?


SatuitMike profile image

Day 4

Breakfast and cleanup from 7 to noon. Medicine is be managed by my visiting nurse. But my daughter hands out medicine as my primary care taker. Hospice nurse showed. Nice you lady.

Sat in wheel chair from noon to five. Paper work snd some discussion with insurances. Some chicken parmigiana for dinner. Quite day

Mike Martin visited. Spoke on phone with old college room mate. Nice to catch up.

No pain but getting up and out is not easy.

in reply to SatuitMike

Chick Parm ..mmm ..mm

j-o-h-n profile image

Satuit = American Wampanoag Indian word meaning "cold brook". Well Mike I wish you a long long comfortable stay with your family and friends... Just remember to down shift when you're riding that wheelchair....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 01/26/2021 7:31 PM EST

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to j-o-h-n

I live in Scituate Ma, home os Satuit Brook. When i started a company in early 2000s, the name fit part of my business plan. Water resources. Plus always thought it was cool.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to SatuitMike

So Mike,

I just looked it up on google.... if you're living in the lighthouse don't lean out the window, unless you like swiming in the Atlantic (different kind of "resources").BTW looks beautiful..... Take care and enjoy the family....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 01/26/2021 10:06 PM EST

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to j-o-h-n

When winter storms hit the Northeast this is the place weather weanes come to. Weather Channel.

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to SatuitMike

Day 5 part a. Did not sleep well and got up early into whell chair. About 8 am. More fatigue set in anf the boys snd the fire station hzd to give me a hand.

10m to noon. Roger Ogden and Dave Ferreria stoped in great visit. Met my NA Maria. Waiting for my accountant to finalize taxes. Get back to on the rest of ny day.

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to SatuitMike

Part b. Taxes done. Reading and relaxing to replenish energy for tomorrow

TB and Mahomes ,could be epic ? Dignity you have . May God be with you🙏

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to

And grace bewith you.

in reply to SatuitMike

Thank you , same to you Sir.

SatuitMike profile image

Day 6. Again sleeping is an issue. Awake from 1 am to 7 am. Nod off, eat breakfast and nap. Got in wheel chair for hour with new lift seat. Very uncomfortable. Need thin gel seat. My sis came by great visit.

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to SatuitMike

Day 7 Hospice at home. Gi tract normal . Got up your with large BM. So all is workin. Hospice nurse will be here to review meds. Home aide to assisst with bath. Got my rosary done. I can feel some of the burden being lifted. Great btreskfast. Will follow up later toda

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to SatuitMike

Sitting with two great friends on Day 7. It is sbout 3 pm. Feeling god .

❤️Love Sis

CaregiverJane profile image

Hey Mike, I am a newby and feeling my way around the community, but i just wanted to say that I came across your post, read all of the heart-felt replies and I got teary-eyed from the pouring out of support and love coming from the members. I can tell that you are a kind man and well respected. My heart goes out to you and your family. God Bless You and may your days ahead be AWESOME!

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to CaregiverJane

Jane, Thank you for your comments. I have been fighting this disease for over seven years. I have tried almost everything, and am know fighting for a Quality of life that allows me to enjoy my family, faith, friends, as i wind down. No surrender

Cleodman profile image

I met with hospice yesterday. Not quite ready to start but getting close. I admire your decision. I hope you are comfortable and most importantly your quality of life exceeds your expectations. Peace.

Zolababs profile image

Godspeed, friend. 🙏

SatuitMike profile image

Week 2 and day 1. I am eating, drinking, urinating, and defecating consistently. Relief.

I have been receiving alot of visitors which reminds me without their support i am less. Then if we are together.

My brother brought his family to see us and for the first time ever he blessed are meal.

Frank and Paul came by the five of us where able to receive the Eucharist. Another huge spiritual accomplishments. Is 5:45 pm and i am dog tired and have a zoom with the animal’s in a bit. Wonder if I will fall asleep.

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to SatuitMike

Week 2. Day 2 and 3. Lots osleep . Mike Martin brough me some home kale soup. Fantastic. Just woke day 4 willl keep u posterd

SatuitMike profile image
SatuitMike in reply to SatuitMike

Week 2 D Day 5. Lots of visitors. The docs are still tying to figure out pain relief

SatuitMike profile image

Week 3. Day 1. Super Bowl in Tampa. Route for Brady. TB playedvwelll in allnther thestres of game. Lets see whom corrects frst

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