How does abiaterone and prednisone affect people taking it?
Should I be afraid of abiaterone? - Advanced Prostate...
Should I be afraid of abiaterone?
Are you mHSPC or mCRPC? There's nothing in your profile. It's not much worse than Lupron alone for most people. Tables 1 - 4 show the most common ones for men who are mCRPC. They aren't much different from placebo for men already taking Lupron. They will check liver enzymes. The only other major things you have to watch out for are high BP, low potassium and edema, which are signs that you are not taking enough prednisone. But that is more a problem for men only taking 5 mg/day (mHSPC).
Hi, wanted to ask how to determine if the edema is due to not taking enough prednisone or if it is due to any other reason?
My dad has been on zytiga and 5 mg of prednisone since August 2019. In August 2020 due to high blood sugar levels he started taking metformin. Around one month ago, we started noticing some swelling on the face- no swelling on the feet or elsewhere though. He also takes Blood pressure medicine and the BP and sugar levels are within control. The diabetes medicine also mentions facial swelling/edema as a side effect. How to determine if the swelling is due to lack of prednisone or due to the diabetes medicine? Also, is it possible that since he has started with the diabetes medicine the dose of prednisone which was fine for a year now needs to be increased? We had called our MO assistant regarding the swelling - he said it is a common side effect of the medicines and not to worry- we have our tests and appointment with the MO scheduled this week - so want to make sure not to miss out on any important points.
Taking it for almost 2 years only normal side effects...and after a few months if no major side effects you should be good be patient it may take a few months to kick in...very effective drug to fight the battle!!!
I've been on it for 2 1/2 years and hardly anything as far as side effects go. I have a little more fatigue but that's about it.
On it for almost 1 year now. I was on just Lupron almost a month before starting it and did not notice a change in SEs or anything else when starting aber/pred. That said we are all different so no guarantees you will handle as well as others.
It affects everyone differently. I was on it for 3 1/2 years with no side effects.
Thank you
I am concerned it will turn me into a mess from the prednisone. I work out regularly and until last year played. Lot of soccer. I worry that I will be a lump of jello and just a shell of myself
The dose of Prednisone is very low, below the dose where the side effects occur. Abiraterone shuts down your corticosteroid production so it's basically a replacement dose for what you lose. You shouldn't have any side effects from the Prednisone.
That is encouraging
Not being flippant..... however, if the choice is a lump of jello or early death, you choice is what? The point is that we have a bastard of a disease and when one comes to term with this, decision are easier..... please don’t let side effects be a determinate.
BTW, I took 30 mg of Prednisone every day for 180 days during a clinical trial. Yes, there was weight gain, however, that was 16 years ago. My choice was easy.
Good luck. Listen your medical oncologist and follow his instructions,
Yep 16 years says a lot i wish and should not wish but hope i could have done treatment different 15 yrs ago. But 1st choice was IMRT 42 rad zaps.
What do you take Now?
Lupron shots and finishing radiation
I am on xtandi. Been on xtandi for 4 1/2 years.
Think of it this way, what should you be more afraid of, death or Abiaterone? Answer that question and the rest is easy.
No. Be glad we have it. Almost 3 years for me. I am working out 3-4 days a week. Helps with everything. Eat ice cream too.
That is very encouraging
I guess I am just scared that I will become a poor excuse for a human. Silly perhaps but fear of the unknown. Every thing I have read looks awful
Perfectly normal. We all go through these kinds of things so we understand completely. We're here to support and encourage.
I have the exact same fear. Before I started Lupron and Zytega I went into Trainer‘s office, took off my shirt and said I was going to have zero testosterone and I wanted him to make it so I didn’t look worse than this a year later. He said if I look like that after year working out his gym he would close the doors LOL. I lifted weights (and I still do) Three days a week for about an hour and 10 minutes each time. It’s a very tough work out and each time I swear it will be my last. But as you say, fear is a great motivator. I only missed two sessions all last year. If you can’t afford a personal trainer, hire one for just one or two sessions to show you what to do. I actually lost body fat and gain muscle after 21 months on Zytega, prednisone and Lupron. I’ve been off everything for about a year now and I definitely notice the difference. But while it was going on I really didn’t feel too badly. Bottom line, is resistance training for your health, mental well-being and maintaining your strength.
Ice cream sandwich reward daily.
Watch your BP and any signs of arrhythmia. I stopped at six months due to high BP and continued on Lupron only.
How high did your bp get?
My BP on Zytiga/Lupron went from about 110/70 before treatment to 165/98. My tinnitus would get louder after taking a Zytiga tablet, indicating my BP was rising. Continuing on Lupron only, my BP stabilized around130/85, and PSA continued to drop to n/d anyway.
Stage 4 patient... I have been on Abiraterone and Prednisolone for 9 yrs now.. Most of the comments passed are valid in terms of side effects.... I am only now facing bone pain issues due to the length of time that I have been on these meds.. Checks are underway for Osteoporosis... The drug saved my life though....
Nothing to worry about I have been taking the combination for over 2 years now I ride my bike up to 20 miles daily or run up to 3 miles instead.
I walk about 6 miles most days and very active in diy and gardening etc around the home.
There are times when working that I know I have reached a threshold and have to stop work and rest after say 4 hours.
There are occasions when I know not to overdo it and I will just rest for the day and cut out any excessive exercise or work around the home
All I got was some fatigue and massive boost of appetite.
Know your body and listen to it: everything in moderation (except smoking). In 2 weeks on A/P my PSA went from 128 to 5.25. I am a believer!
It will definitely cramp your lifestyle but it beats the alternative. For me side effects are weight gain, mostly in the gut area,libido is all but gone,some fatigue, hot flashes etc. But you get used to it and its really not bad. Never give up Never surrender. Leo
Great set of comments. Same experience here -- fatigue, hot flashes, -- but the combination of zytega (abiratone) and prednisone has progressively shrunk my PSA, now at .07, and made the cancer invisible to a CAT scan.
I’m on Lupron, Zytiga 250 mg with low fat breakfast & Prednisone 5mg since January 2020. PSA<.03 & Scans normal. No side effects at all so far.
I was taking Zytiga for several months but had to stop because it was giving me a increasingly worse cough.
So scooby0111, don't be afraid to answer the following:
Please tell us your bio. Age? Location? Treatment(s)? Treatment center(s)? Scores Psa/Gleason? Medications? Doctor's name(s)? Thank You!!!
All info is voluntary, but it helps us help you and helps us too. If you do respond copy and paste it in your home page for your use and for other members’ reference.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 5:42 PM EST
So many questions. Zoinks!
Oh yeah.... and two more "Do you think we ask too many questions?" and "WTF does a Zoiks mean?"
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 8:16 PM EST
Haha. I fixed it. Zoinks! You were questioning my misspelling, right?
No, Your mental state......👀
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 9:48 PM EST
I questioned my Psychiatrist why he charged me a group rate. He said I had multiple personalities.
LOL.... Mine said "get on the couch, and btw what do you for a living?
I told him "I was an automobile mechanic" He said "in that case get under the couch"...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 10:20 PM EST