New Norwegian study below [1].
Consistent with numerous studies, education was seen as a risk factor for PCa.
I have always assumed that increased education would be associated with indoor work and less access to sunlight & natural vitamin D production. But how significant can that be in Norway? LOL (Oslo & Juneau have similar lattitudes.)
In this study, income was an even greater risk factor. (Income often comes with the downside of more responsibility & a greater number of hours at work (indoors).
Melanoma risk was even greater than PCa (for, both, education and income.) What use is education & income in Norway it you can't escape the climate & vacation somewhere dangerously hot each year? The irony of 50 weeks with no sunlight & 2 weeks with too much on that pale Nordic skin.
Incidentally, well-educated people are thought to have better diets. In pre-COVID days when I liked to dine out, I noticed that men in the more expensive restaurants were leaner on average than men eating in the cheaper restaurants. Indicating perhaps that income is associated with dietary restraint. In contrast, a great deal has been written about the "western diet" and its likely role in PCa.
Chart (a) in the full text, which lists cancers associated with education - lowest to highest - ranges from lung cancer at the top to melanoma at the bottom. The implication of the chart to me is that all but 4 of the 19 cancers have some kind of lifestyle factor component in their risk, related to education-income. (I still blame hours indoors for PCa risk.)
cta Oncol
. 2020 Sep 14;1-8. doi: 10.1080/0284186X.2020.1817548. Online ahead of print.
Education, income and risk of cancer: results from a Norwegian registry-based study
Inger Kristin Larsen 1 , Tor Åge Myklebust 1 2 , Ronnie Babigumira 1 , Elina Vinberg 1 , Bjørn Møller 1 , Giske Ursin 1 3 4
Affiliations expand
PMID: 32924698 DOI: 10.1080/0284186X.2020.1817548
Introduction: Several studies have shown an association between socioeconomic status and incidence of cancer. In this study, we have examined the association between socioeconomic factors, using income and education as proxies, and cancer incidence in Norway, a country known to be egalitarian, with universal access to health care and scoring high on the human development index.
Methods: We linked individual data for the total Norwegian population with information on all cancer patients registered in the Cancer Registry of Norway (CRN) with any cancer diagnosed between 2012 and 2016. Data on education, and individual income, were provided from Statistics Norway. We used Poisson regression to obtain incidence rate ratios (IRR) across education and income levels for 23 cancer sites.
Results: A total of 9 cancers among men and 13 cancers among women were observed to have significantly higher incidence rates in cases with the lowest level of education. Melanoma for both sexes, testis and prostate cancer in men, and breast cancer in women were found to have a higher incidence rate among those with the highest level of education. The largest differences in IRR were found for lung cancer, where men and women with college or university education as their highest completed education had a two- to threefold decreased risk, compared to those with primary school (IRR men; 0.40 [0.37-0.43], women 0.34 [0.31-0.37]). The results for income mirrored the results for education among men, while for women we did not observe many differences in cancer risk across income groups.
Conclusion: Our findings were consistent with findings from other studies showing that the incidence rate of cancer differs across levels of socioeconomic status. We may need behavioral change campaigns focused on lifestyle changes that lower the risk of cancer and target perhaps to those with lower socioeconomic status.
Keywords: Cancer incidence; SES; education; income.