Any contraindications for doing transurethral microwave treatment for BPH while having PCa?
Microwave treatment for BPH with PCa—... - Advanced Prostate...
Microwave treatment for BPH with PCa—contraindications?

Have you had prostate radiation?
Have you tried IP6?Please review my previous post dealing with Dr. AKM Shamsuddin and his research at the University of Maryland medical school. Also I would urge you to read his book at Amazon dealing with IP6. I have been using it since 2015 with good results. You can read about these in my previous posts. Good luck!
Please give us more info: Age, Location, Psa. Treatment center(s), Doctor's name(s), All info is voluntary but it helps us help you and helps us too. Thank you!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 08/20/2020 5:11 DST
I’m 71, in north Texas, last PSA was 25, and treated 3 times with Oncothermia local hyperthermia TX at Dr Weber’s Klinik Marinus Am Stein, in Brannenburg, Germany. Diagnosed in 2013 CTC test, confirmed with Greek RCCG test, hCG, and nagalase tests. Refused biopsy, radiation, chemo or surgery. Have been using a natural form of chemo called Yew Tips, which was the natural form of the taxane type chemotherapy drug later synthesized in the lab. Also rotate through phytochems like Quercetin.
Latest PET scan confirms cancer still confined within prostate capsule, no Mets, thank the Lord.
Uro is recommending TUMA for BPH, external beam radiation (reduced intensity 45 treatments), and brachyatherapy. I have a great QOL now, and am reading this forum for the last several years, and am not willing to endure the many possible side effects of that treatment plan.
Last year I’ve been using BIRM like Nalakrats, along with biweekly high dose IV vit C, liposomal vit C daily, SR Bosmeric (curcumin/boswellic acid/ginger oil/black pepper), high dose melatonin, CBD, cod liver oil, occasional ozone insuflation. Tried fenbendazole, but that didn’t work for me. Going back to trying DCA starting at a lowered dose (had some unfavorable reaction first full dose I took a year or so ago, so quit) and am looking at cesium chloride as another possibility.
So, basically, I’m practicing active surveillance, and looking for a durable solution to this local Pca. Managing with oxidative therapies, and keeping liver clean with regular colonics. God has a purpose for my life yet, so I don’t feel threatened. When it is time, I will be taken home. In the meanwhile, I’m staying strong for Christ and His plans for my life.
I appreciate all the information shared on this forum! Thanks!
Is this the 'Rezum' treatment you are talking about? I saw a poster for it at Urology office.
I had already had TURP surgery for my BPH years before I was diagnosed with protate cancer.