Lupron fatigue and nausea: Hello, I... - Advanced Prostate...

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Lupron fatigue and nausea

Billy_Boe profile image
18 Replies

Hello, I received my 2nd Lupron shot (every 4 months) and I notice I get tired easily (exercise really seems to help) but I feel nauseous almost every day. It is not horrible, but something I did not expect. Has anyone else experienced this with Lupron?

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Billy_Boe profile image
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18 Replies

Oh hell yah. I had extreme nausea on lupron for 18 months. I disliked it so much I chopped off the cajones to drop the shots . Not to discourage you but I’m still on a pill form adt drug that to this day five years later still drives daily nausea .. One price I pay .. I think that the adjusting in the first two years were hardest for me . In time we can adjust to anything. High thc is the only thing that gives me appetite and relieves the nausea for me. I can’t eat or start my day with first smoking some indica. Ginger is said also to help with nausea . I eat a lot of fresh organic ginger zested into everything . #2 fatigue; my first two years I had no energy and was quite lethargic . Sometimes I’d sleep 3 days at a time. It was a fit of depression . How you don’t get that . Everything you’re feeling is lupron. It whacked my cognition as well. Stay active especially when you feel like doing nothing. It helps to have someone to get you up and out. Without my wife’s prodding I’d probably still be sleeping way to much during the day . Good luck adjusting.

Billy_Boe profile image
Billy_Boe in reply to

Thanks for the reply and encouragement. My wife has been great as well pushing me to exercise every day, even when I feel bad/tired. Everything you said I experience as well. I need to add ginger into my diet. I will drink ginger ale from time to time, but do not really like sodas. It helps a little though. All the best!

in reply to Billy_Boe

We are in this for the long slog . If we’re lucky . We suffer along the way in ways unimaginable to us before . Just try to practice some daily happiness in any form . Good days bad days we’ll see them all . This is a good place to speak with others in the same shoes . Keep on truckin, til we can’t truck no more .😂. Live well Billy🤙🏽

Kaliber profile image

Not everyone gets it but lots do ... me included. I just kinda get used to it most of the time ... after a while you just ignore it . It’s worse sometimes than others. Worse stuff comes along ( Zometa infusions ) and you don’t notice it so much yayahahahaya yayahahahaya


in reply to Kaliber

Keep shuffling our feet ! 👣👣

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Yayahahahaya that’s all I got left .... that and my shiny new etrike electric moped. I can still get out and go places on the local hike and bike trails ... it ain’t got me yet yayahahahaya


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Kaliber

You should try to keep exercising as much as possible ... offhand you seem to be in the “ mild to moderate “ class of Lupron SEs..... that’s a real good thing. For some people the loss of T plus ( say ) xtandi is very debilitating... myself included. I can’t walk out to my truck in the driveway without turning red, huffing and puffing gasping for breath and my bp skyrocketing to 215/120.

You sound like you are doing pretty well brother , hanging there and stay active for as long as you can no matter how tired you become. You got this, no biggie and it’s WAY better than the alternative yayahahahaya

Peace brother ✌️

2dee profile image

Had fairly regular bouts of nausea for first year and it still hangs around now I'm at the end of 2nd.

EVERYONE different and doc can prescribe something but I hate the idea of taking one drug only to counter side effects of another.

I think for most it diminishes over time. (But not all)


DeanNelson profile image

Lupron shots are horrific for me, but the last 2 shots I’ve used estroven from CVS.

I take one in morning and one at night. They have 2 different kinds. Day/night

But made its made a huge difference for me

EdBar profile image

Nausea, definitely, not terrible, lasts a couple hours a day and happens often. Fatigue, definitely, exercise helps, estradiol patches help with some of the other side effects. A lot of days I just try and stay positive and grind through. Frequent breaks during the day help. Side effects of Lupron and Xtandi are substantial but tolerable given the alternative.


MateoBeach profile image

Lupron May be specifically causing your severe nausea and not just the castrate T level. You can tell your MO that you are not tolerating it and need to try something else such as Firmagon (monthly shots may actually last two months effectively. Then adding an estradiol patch can help enormously with side effects. Or you can use high dose estradiol like PATCH protocol or estradiol gel with no other Lupron-like drug. Many of us here favor this and have written about it. I don’t know about the new daily oral pill for ADT. It works but I don’t know about cost and side effects.

Horse12888 profile image

A great way to integrate lots of ginger into your diet is by juicing; add it to the other veggies. Because it's so strong, I like to counterbalance it with apples. Best of luck.

Howard53545 profile image

i just get tired

j-o-h-n profile image

Never had a feeling of nausea with lupron but my huge tits are gagging me..............

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 06/25/2020 5:59 PM DST

jobeth profile image

My husband was on Lupron for the last three years before he died. He was stage 4 with a gleason score of 9. It had metastesized to his bones in his hip even after starting Lupron. When he started the Lupron, he was healthy. He went target practicing almost daily and had just finished constructing a dune buggy from scratch. From the day he started the Lupron, he lost interest gradually until after a few weeks, he did very little. Within six months, the tests showed it wasn't working so they added more drugs. Then a year after starting Lupron they started Chemo. That lasted for six months until he just said he was done with it all. He spent the last year and a half of his life just sitting in front of the computer and going to the bathroom. Didn't leave except for the doctor. He also had Parkinsons disease which got worse after he stopped doing things. He still died. If I knew then what I know now, I would have encouraged him to not do any of the drugs or treatment and to live his life to the fullest for as long as he could. He did live for a while, but had no quality of life. I don't plan to take treatment for cancer unless it is in the very beginning stage and there is a good chance of recovery. At his stage, he would have been better off not treating and just living.

Grumpyswife profile image
Grumpyswife in reply to jobeth

Thank you for the truth you speak. Of course everyone feels differently but I can relate to your husband’s situation.

My husband just today said he wants to quit the abiraterone due to his increasing side effects. Why I keep pushing/searching for more treatments that will only add to the physical toll, I don’t know. Guess I can’t accept giving up. I certainly don’t want to see him suffer more treatment damage.

in reply to jobeth

Thank you so much for your post - it helped me a lot because my husband was 3 months ago perfectly healthy and very active. Then he started with a Lupron shot and Xgena shots and Xtandi and radiation. He aged 10 years in a couple of weeks and ended up in the hospital in real bad shape. The hospital stay for four days pumped more medication and antibiotics into him - he finally said no more and went home and since then I started cooking very healthy and he is taking some supplements. He is a lot better but because his first Lupron shot was a 6 months dose and that was only 3 months ago he still has rather severe side effects on and off.

I am so sorry about your husband and be assured we are all wrestling with decisions and second guessing. One just does not know and everyone reacts so different. Nothing fits all.

My husband decided to have as much quality of life as long as possible and rather does not live with horrible side effects.

I wish everyone lots of good fortune and everyone has to follow what they think is best.

jobeth profile image

I understand. I just hated to see my husband quit living and then have to survive till the cancer took him. I hope I don't have to make that judgement for myself. I am on dialysis and I will probably have to make a similar decision if the dialysis quits working.

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