A few months ago I had a lot of pain in my back and it also went to my leg. After many visits at the doctor I heard the bad news: prostate cancer with metastases to the lymph nodes and the bone. It’s crazy how all of a sudden your life changes completely, but I try to be positive.
Not yet 50 and already a bad diagnose - Advanced Prostate...
Not yet 50 and already a bad diagnose

I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Do you have a urinary oncologist that you are seeing? If not, tell us where you are- we may be able to recommend someone nearby.
There has never before been so many treatments for your kind of prostate cancer, which is newly diagnosed, metastatic, and hormone-sensitive (abbreviated mHSPC). Here are the currently available options for you:
I'm sorry to hear. Get genetics testing asap, young diagnosis may be result of inherited mutations as in my case. And get the most aggressive treatment upfront.
All of us stage 4 guys here personally know and understand your pain and anguish brother. All the treatments mentioned by others in this thread can keep you alive for many years, a few here more than two decades ....so far ... and still going. Guys like us are living much longer these days and there many new treatments in the pipeline as well.
This group is filled with great guys just like you and can give you supportive help in many ways. The odds are that you have many good years that lie ahead for you.
Hang in there 💪💪💪💪👍👍👍
Stay strong Frankske! I was a few yrs older than you at 53 with a non op stage four dx . I felt too young for the party . It was like getting blindsided by a Mac truck . It drags for a little while to attempt tokill us . You cant let that happen . You might have to hit it with any poison available . The first round you want to win and put the pc away for many years . You will suffer side Effects as we all do . But you can survive and live with APC for many years . I went into remission after 8 wks imrt and double adt . I’ve been clear four out of my five years . I did the flip into holistic living and alt med my first two years . Stay on top of it and you’ll get to a better place. Many prayers and faith will be tested .you can. Chat up any of us fine fellows with question . We ve been where you are at the start . It’s horrific for sure until you gain some ground over it . I believe that can . You must tell yourself “ I’m going to make it!” Then do so . We must fight hard in order to survive . But all we need to do is give up , and pc will do the rest . We can’t do that . God bless🙏Scott🌵
Ya it sucks. They told me six years ago I had two years to live. Last weeks PSA was <0.1. Scans are clear.
Thank God ! We can’t listen to those bad stats given to us can we? Good day Fran .
The bottom line is medical oncologists don't know. They go by data. I once had a very well known prostate cancer oncologist tell me that prostate cancer treatment is in the wild, wild west stage. " should we try this or that or should we....". Throw in a radiologist and an urologist, you have a wild scene with multiple theories . I'm going to ride the horse until I wake up dead.
I agree.
Sorry you are here. I was diagnosed at 49 spread to lymph’s outside pelvis, given 2 years but now over 5 years on PSA 0.12 running ultra marathons and loving life . It’s not gone away but don’t give up on your life as you should have loads ahead of you .
I'm really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I got the same diagnosis 7 months ago... And I am only 45.. So I think I know exactly how you feel.. PSA 88, gleason 4+3 in all 12 biopsies, mets to 3-4 bones and several lymph nodes.. Life changed from one second. The first couple of months was really really tough, but when I saw that treatment got the PSA down, I came back into the old me.. sort of.. But I think about it every 5 minutes still.. I am on Eligard 6 months depots (=Lupron) and then Zytiga (1000mg)+Predn. (2x5mg)... radiation after 3 months 20x (3Gy each time) - RapidArc - to prostate and 3 pelvic bone mets. PSA is now 0.47.. But I got all the side effects too... no libido, no erection, hot flashes constantly etc. etc... Hang in there... Feel free to ask me if you need more info, advise etc.
Ask your doctor about Effexor xr 75mg. Worked for me amazingly to stop thinking about it constantly and got me off emotional rollercoaster.
Stopped my crying and I can talk about it without any emotional problems. Also helped with hot flashes. Don't stay mentally suffering. Greatly improved my quality of life. Best of luck.
I was diagnosed in November 2019 immediately placed on hormone suppressant injections
I will be having them every 3 months for the rest of my life
T2 advanced prostrate cancer PSA 13.5
Metastatic various ribs shoulder spine
Docataxal was introduced within 1 month just finished 6 infusions
Presently waiting for the results of comparison scans
PSA is now 1 .6
This group helped me tremendously to understand my disease and have been more helpful to me than any doctor
There is hope for us many guys here are living g with PC for over 10 some 15 even 20 and 30 years
Take comfort in that
Ahh! Hormone suppressant ain’t it grand? Keep working out .
Hello all of you. Thank you so much for your responds. I really appreciate this. Here are some facts: my PSA is 684. On a scale from 1 to 10, this is a nine. The scans showed me that the cancer got on all of my lymph nodes and all my bones (excl my arms, legs and head). I also got a tumor in my bladder. Conclusion: It kind of is everywhere. I am living in Belgium. The doctors said they can’t heal me. The only thing they started is a hormone injection every month to put the prostate cancer to sleep, but the bones and lymph keeps going. Chemo is not an option, they can only treat one at one for over 6 threatments, but too many parts in my body got infected so they will never be able to threat every part. I am living on medication now. 1,5 morfine band aids every 3 days. Every meal one pill ‘Algotra’, every 4 hours one pill ‘Oxynorm’ and every day an injection to thin my blood.
Hello Frankske , SORRY for all of the pain and suffering .. You can get direct answers from us here ..
Hoping for you they do the Doxetel chemo-
It was done upfront to my husband and he had great results.
He too kept going to doc with bone pain- but was diagnosed at stage 4 before they found the cancer.
Keep strong!
A lot of young people with prostate cancer.
I'm one of them, too.
Found PC at 43 years.
Enjoy life, control yourself and heal, but try to be positive. Frankske all the best.
Thanks very much to everyone who helps,you are very professional.I'd say some people know better than urologists and oncologists.
Best regards
43 wtf? Man ,ouch , Brano ..... your great attitude will serve you well . I salute you young man ..
You're in the right place. You recover your equilibrium, and even with Stage 4, there's no immediate need to rush to treatment. Do your research, and remember that the options have never been greater.
Just to give you a little bit of encouragement my husband is Stage 4 and is 78 years old. He was diagnosed in 2005 and still alive and kicking as he says. I know it’s very scary hearing the news but there are so many options out there today but unfortunately for my husband he has now ran thru all the options. His went to bones and lymph nodes Nov. 2016. His last PSA was 2 weeks ago and was 3650. Don’t give up there’s always hope.
Never quit.... Many men here are in the same boat and have been fighting Pca for years. There are many new meds that will help your through this current nightmare. Hang tough and keep posting here.... good advice here!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 06/24/2020 6:17 PM DST
so sorry for your suffering, but i agree w/all the others. treatment options have come so far! don't give up. this is just the beginning! my husband is young too (45)- you're not alone in this! keep reaching out. xx