Starting my own panel, from a discussion I saw on another thread ... about being flirty and attracted, even thuogh we are NOT in the game any mre.
I also feel "refreshed" when I see an obvious beauty in my midst -- though I am impotent and old.
I think it is an ancient refection of men's purposes in the world, which are all bound up in women -- to court, recreate, get the best genes, wage war with competing men, be creeps.
My dad, with whom I agreed on very little, once said to me, deep in his cups -- "All I want from life is to make women laugh." And so he made jokes, danced, was "charming."
In his nursing home at 81, weeks to live, e started a fisfight with anther old dope who was likewise attracted to an older woman who had had a face job. Beauty called, and they responded.
But .. and this is a big butt ... I am seeing differently as I grow more useless and nearer to death.
And it is a shameful truth ...
I see beauty on everybody, old, young, male, female. I see their struggle ("Love one another because you are all fighting a terrible battle.") I want to get close to them, soul to soul. EVERYONE.
Everyone, unless they are really mean, is interesting to me. Not for my salacious needs, but because I can see their spirit , often very clearly.
And as a writer, I a here not just to chronicle my own very significant beauty, but everyone's.
We are all trying so hard, despite many wounds ... even if our faces are fat or our hair is old and gray. Bless us all, is how I feel these days.