90 year old father taking 1000 mg Zytiga (Abiraterone) 1 time per day and 5 mg Prednisone 2 times per day. Started these meds on September 17, 2019. The only side effects, which started about one week into the meds., are a numb bottom lip and his speech. He has a hard time talking. He has to talk really slow to get his words out. Never had a problem with speech or numbness of his lip until he started these meds. Oncologist says he is not aware of these side effects and neither was the Oncologist pharmacist. Any one out there experience any speech difficulties and/or lip numbness? If so, please let me know because I would really like to help him with this.
Speech and Numbness Side Effects of Z... - Advanced Prostate...
Speech and Numbness Side Effects of Zytiga and/or Prednisone

This sounds like a stroke. You should get him to the ER immediately. Brain imaging will tell you for sure.
Yes, I have right lip numbness (very mild). No problem eating or talking.
I presume that I developed this screw up after doing Lu-177.
Why so ?? Because, when I developed this problem (minor thus far),
I was only doing Lu-177. Not Zytiga or Prednisone.
My oncologist has suggested I meet a neurologist.
I plan to do that shortly, though my right lower lip has
been numb for about 5 months now.
I think you should take the advice that Tall_Allen is giving you. The worst that can happen is it isn't a stroke.
I would Rule out stroke first by a CT scan then try to figure out other possible causes.
Get his brain imaged to see what's going on. Could have had a stroke or possibly has met(s) there.
Agree with Tall_Allen. Needs imaging and a neurologist.
Dad just turned 88. Had been on zitega for a year with prednisone. Sleepy all the time . Only real side effects. Enemia, weight gain, dizziness, weakness in the hips and legs. Oncologist just took him off the zxitga and prednisone, choosing quality of life over quantity . Hating this monster. Hope your father does well. 🙏🙏🙏🙏. Amen
My husband has numbness in his left jaw and lip and the doctors say it is due to a bone met pressing on a nerve. He just received his second Radium 223 and he thinks it is getting a little better. I would rule out stroke though!
I’m 71 on same meds since Oct 2018. I have not had those side effects. I do have swelling in my legs. I was told that you should follow the directs on eating and waiting an hour after you take your meds to do so. The reason is that if you do eat earlier you may get more of the medication into your system.
My 56 year old husband is on same for 4 months now and just developed numbness on lower left jaw right in the front. Oncologist wants him to have a dental check up.
His numbness (no tingling) in his lower lip (not jaw) on left side only. Doesn't affect his eating, drinking, no drooling. He speaks more slowly (does not slur his speech just not as fast as he use to talk). You can understand him fine but he is aware that his speech is different since he started the meds. Other than these two issues, he feels great. Eats well, exercises daily, volunteers at senior center five days a week. All his blood work is in the standard range. In fact, he wants to go all the time....can't sit still too long or he gets bored. Sleeps 8 hours a night. His blood pressure is great. Never had a problem with high blood pressure. This is why I am thinking these are side effects of the strong drugs he is taking. He takes the Zytiga 3 hours after he eats breakfast and the Prednisone at breakfast and dinner.
Thanks for all the responses. I appreciate every one of them.
Good luck sir. Doctor knows best.
I'm slow to speak nowadays because I'm trying to think of words that escape me.....at that moment.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 11/11/2019 8:26 PM EST I salute all veterans today and everyday.