Please share your "doctor hero" stories. Examples where a doctor went above and beyond to help you (or someone else) regarding their prostate cancer. Let's limit this to prostate cancer-relevant stories....obviously, there are thousands of doctors who have saved lives in conflict zones, disaster areas, etc.
Please share your "doctor hero" stories. - Advanced Prostate...
Please share your "doctor hero" stories.

Sir you are a dreamer...
In my cancer journey..of 4 months
I met 15 min Uro doc and telling me in 2 min that I may have 5 years and then see you next time...because other patient is awaiting
I am awaiting for Robot docs..
All knowledge and no money smell..
Gone are caring docs....
They will be a history
Since 4 months...with T3b plus oligo metastases..
Did not meet any caring doc
Even family doc who has no time to connect with cancer patient...ok for cough.etc
But APC ...he walks away..
If you know a caring doc...
Let me know
Sir...doctors have been enslaved by medical industrial complex...their managed care arm forces these doctors to see 257 patients a day the doctor can pay his liability insurance, rent. staff salary and can feed his family.
Doctors don't have much autonomy now a days and they have been made tools in the hands of the complex. These doctors are the same people..the young idealistic men and women who wanted to help sick ...the reality and rigors of messed up system have killed their idealism and service mindset.
I think the malpractice lawyers have them running scared too.
I'm very fortunate. All along my journey (now 3. 5 years of Stage 4 APC) from my General Internist to all my Oncologist's they have never stopped in their guidance. Caring and keeping me advised all along the way. When I was diagnosed with my lung mets my regular oncologist said he would get me to UCSF for an immediate consultation. That was on a Thursday evening. I was told Friday that the following Monday 8am I had appointment at UCSF. This well known UCSF oncologist told me "now you have two of us watching over you". It's more than just my cancer it's my general well-being they involve themselves in too. Both oncologists show great compassion and concern. We always talk quality of life versus quantity. That's what I want and they know that also. I'm blessed ...
I’ve been with dr sholz and dr turner at Prostate oncology specialists now for 8 years. Every appointment has been productive with minimal wait times. I never feel rushed and all my questions are answered. I’ve come to them
With ideas i’ve garnered from the site and they always listen and sometimes agree with suggested changes. A total lack of ego. I’ve also gone for second opinions more than once to UCLA with Dr. Drakaki and dr Kishan (radiologist). They too have great compassion patience and knowledge. I’ve sent them emails after hours and had them respond late that evening. Dr. Scholz and Dr. Turner are a little bit more willing to go out of the box while the UCLA doctors are a little more conservative. It’s actually very healthy to listen to both sides of that equation. I guess I’ve been very lucky because I have zero complaints with my care thus far.
I've been with my Doctor.
Dr. Gordon Brown of the New Jersey Urology and Cancer treatment center for 20 months and I thank God for my primary care Doctor for sending me to him. Dr. Brown and his team have shown me nothing but compation, professionalism,and dignity. I've never waited more than 15 minutes from my appointment time and he is patient, listens and always has my best interest at heart. I can honestly say this Doctor isn't in it for the money he genualy cares for his patients well being and ,honors his Hippocratic oath.
Compassion darn spellchecker big fingers little keyboard sorry...
Here's a hint for one and all. See that 'More v' to the right of the Reply button? Just hit that to allow you to edit your post to clear a misspelling or add a thought. Nice that you've had such a positive experience with your doctor and his team. I wish I could say the same. I most emphatically cannot.

Or just apologize for automation.
I was coming up on my 5th Taxotere with PSA still in the teens (840 at DX). Dr. Nilesh Vora in Long Beach, CA queried his colleagues at the Tumor Board about what next after my 6th chemo(the normal protocol). No one there said to give me significantly more.
Dr. Vora then said to me: " I will continue the chemos until the numbers plateau or you tell me to stop"
I had 15 total sessions of Taxotere in 2015 and got to a PSA @ 0.7. Nadir in 2017 of 0.1 for three months and back on ADT after an 18 month holiday. PSA has not dropped below 3.8 this time.
I won't name this doctor but he once started to speak at a conference by saying:
Good luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 09/10/2019 7:54 PM DST