Only four more days (until June 12) for your donations to double, thanks to a generous supporter. Please donate right now to help us all. If our Advanced Prostate Cancer community has helped you in any way, at any time, please donate at Credit cards, PayPal, Stripe and paper checks accepted. Thank you.
Only four more days (until June 12) f... - Advanced Prostate...
Only four more days (until June 12) for your donations to double

I have just donated. This forum has really helped me through my first year of my journey with this disease. I really appreciate reading the stories and advice. It is comforting to know that I am not alone.
I donated. Thank you, Darryl, for providing such a valuable blog. My husband and I have learned so much, and feel a part of this 'community'.
Just donated. This site has been invaluable for the expertise, wisdom, a few laughs and tremendous examples of grace and courage.
I did on May 15th....
Please donate - so I can continue posting my silly humor...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 06/08/2019 11:41 AM DST
I have too couldn’t take not seeing your post
Remember you are one of my hero
Loved what you said about daughter-in-law
I got a crush on you too lol
oops... Last time I was crushed by a woman.... was at age 5, when my overweight aunt hugged me hello with my head squeezed between her boobs....Pure torture....
Thank you for your contribution... only better cause is a quart of chocolate chip ice cream...(and not sharing)...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 06/22/2019 10:34 PM DST
So you hot a boob job, juh
Since it is doubled, I will once again contribute a little bit. Even though we have to put up with j-o-h-n's silly humor.
just donated. This forum is great!
This site has keep me sane and I couldn’t live if I didn’t know how my heros are doing❤️
Donated last month in UK£ so not too sure what US$ were credited..., Nevertheless...., keep up the good work!
I have made my donations long ago. I have also ordered TWICE a pair of tickets for the October conference. I know it says no refunds but can I get one pair of tickets refunded anyway? Thanks.
Hi Darryl
I did send a donation very near the cut off point for doubling the amount, but have not seen any response or feedback if you received this donation or if it was credited with the doubling.
Hi Darryl
I did get a notification from Paypal that GBP50 was transferred to the US account but was more interested in if the amount managed to meet the double donation timeline. I have not thus far received any formal confirmation/receipt or thank you note from the US as to the donation.