I'm borrowing this plea from Wikipedia: It's a little awkward, so we'll get straight to the point: We humbly ask you to defend Malecare's independence by donating at malecare.org/donate . We depend on donations, but 99% of our community doesn't give. If everyone reading this gave $20 or 20 Euro's or 20 Pounds, we could keep Malecare thriving for years to come. Thousands of people visit Malecare.org and our online community here on HealthUnlocked each day, making it one of the most valuable spaces online for ad space. But if Malecare were commercial, it would be a great loss to the world; we'd be beholden to advertisers, not our readers. We'll never run ads, instead we humbly ask you to support the community of people bringing you unlimited access to reliable, neutral prostate cancer support and information. Please take a minute to help keep Malecare growing. Donate at malecare.org/donate Thank you. For non USA residents: Donate in US dollars via our secure credit card system and your donation will be charged in your local currency.
Borrowing from Wikipedia..a plea. - Advanced Prostate...
Borrowing from Wikipedia..a plea.

I will definitely donate. This site is invaluable to my physical and mental health. I’d never join a group -just not my style. But this community is great. And I love the lack of ads. I urge all of you to give what you can. Like the man said - 20 bucks each goes a Long way. No free rides boys.
Thank you for providing this invaluable site. The National Library of Medicine/pubmed provides cold clinical data while this site provides the warm, real time discussion of how the cancer is affecting our lives. It's no longer just me vs my health care team, that is so busy with many patients, but my new friends sharing our thoughts and battles.
I'm in. Small price to pay for so much information and support. This is the least that we can do to keep this useful site going.
I just donated $50.00 on-line last week, does that count?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/05/2018 6:47 PM EST
P.S. Come on guys where can you get all of this great information and my humor for a measly 20 dollars? Dig deep... I don't want to hear the "short arms and deep pockets" excuse.

Yes. Many thanks!! From nearly six thousand people, we’ve only seen eight donations by credit card at Malecare.org/donate
Just donated $25. I start my day, everyday reading this site. It has been a big help to me. Thank you.
on its way. thanks for reminding us.
The check is almost in the mail!
Pay Pal?