I updated the South African trial info based on new info on 73 treated patients. In 79% of patients, PSA declined by over 50%, and in 29%, all metastases disappeared. No one discontinued for xerostomia.
Excellent response to Ac-225-PSMA-617... - Advanced Prostate...
Excellent response to Ac-225-PSMA-617 in South Africa (update)

When do you think this will be available to people in the US? Those results are very promising.
There is a trial of Ac-225-J591 at weill Cornell in NYC:
Thank for posting this update!
Twice in one week we are hearing that some men (not all) on trials are seeing their mets disappear completely. Very encouraging!
Thanks. I think this treatment has a lot of potential. It combines the alpha radiation benefit of Radium 223 with the PSMA ligand targeting benefit of LU-177.
As far as I know, AC-225 PSMA trials in the US are small, I believe still in phase one dose escalation. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I hope things move along so this can offered in a reasonable time.
sounds like a big deal for a lot of people.
Another piece of good news for this alpha emitter and the ligand. I think this treatment should be investigated for hormone sensitive mPCA population as first line of treatment.
Good point. When I discussed Radium 223 with my doctor, he said he thought it could be more effective if patients didn't use as a last resort when they need a miracle, not a treatment as he put it.
This is a single site phase 1 trial sponsored by the university..Trials like this tend to move along slowly until one of the "Big Pharma" companies takes an interest in it, lots of money is made available, and things can move quickly...
Can’t wait till it’s available in the US
Did the investigators take any measures to prevent xerostomia or did they wait until symptoms to treat? If measures were taken, what were they?
I don't think there's anything they can do to prevent it. Interventions like ice don't seem to work. German researchers report some success with sialoscopy.
Do you know if treatment in South Africa or New Delhi (or anywhere else it's being done?) is more or less expensive than in Germany. In Heidelberg I have paid about 10,000eu a cycle - only two so far. I'm wondering if I could save money down the road by travelling further.
Hi..my brother in law in India has MCRPC and chemo is not working...what has been your experience with Heidelberg ? He doesn't trust the potency and efficacy of Ac225 that is being procured into India..
Sriyantra, not sure about AC223, but they r now offering Lu177 at Fortis close to Huda Station, and Rajiv Ghandi Cancer Center. I am looking into it now.
I can tell you the Ga68 that Medanta is using for PSMA PET scans is coming from Belgium not India. I had to wait an extra day once because they ran out and their shipment was tied up at customs at the airport.
Ga-68 has a half-life of 1.2 hrs, so if it was held up at customs, it is probably useless. Ac-225 has a half-life of 10 days, and Lu-177 has a half-life of 6.7 days, so freshness isn't as crucial. They check the radioactivity just prior to infusion, so they correct for any loss of activity by giving more.
Hi Tall_Allen. If they were to give you more due to loss of activity do you know if that would be harder on the kidneys. That just may make it better to try to go to Germany for ACT225 since I am already down one kidney due to losing it to cancer many uears ago. The doctor at Fortis told me I am most likely etter off with ACT225 since the only place it is showing up is in the prostate now on the PSMA PET scans, and not in bone anymore due to the vaccines I have taken. The Ga-68 that was caught at customs was probably tossed as they receive it from Belgium directly when tjey need it for the PSMA PET's. Believe it or not, the majority owners of Medanta are now American. It was sold a few years ago. That is probably why they aren't offering this treatment yet. We're worth more sick unfortunately.
Thank you in advance,
Good News is always welcomed...Thanks
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 05/20/2019 5:41 PM DST