I'm contemplating going to Heidelberg for Lu-177/Ac-225 treatment. In addition to the usual bone metastases, I also have lymph node and liver metastases. I've seen indications that liver metastases are problematic for Lu-177/Ac-225. Has anyone out there had experience with this sort of treatment with liver metastases?
Lu-177/Ac-225 and Liver Metastases - Advanced Prostate...
Lu-177/Ac-225 and Liver Metastases

Lu 177 PSMA treatment has been done in patients with visceral metastases. In this study 35 patients with visceral metastases received Lu 177 PSMA treatment:
I just met with my UCLA doctor who said that if my prostate cancer starts running amuck again next year, the treatment in Germany is recommended using both Lu-177/Ac-225, if I can afford it. He said it is recommended for late stage cases where everything else has been tried already and failed. He also said that if you respond well to Lu-177 here in a USA clinical trial, the combination of both drugs in Germany will have probably work very well and extend your life. I dont have cancer in my liver, but I heard it will work on all spots no matter where they are as long as the cancer generates the PSMA to make it target those spots. Be prepared to lose your saliva glands and eat soups the remainder of you life, but they may taper off the last few treatments to minimize that side effect.
I thought the effect on the saliva glands was temporary, no??
Medic at UCLA said it can be permanent.
apparently to avoid this you need to have a combo of Lu177 + ac225. It sounds like this is what they're doing in Germany, so I';m surprised UCLA doesn't do the same now.
10 days ago
For bone mets they often use Act-225 and it works well destroying these. If you take a mix of Lu-177 and Act-225 it will not destroy the salivary glands. However, if you have many cycles of this it may do so since the damage caused adds up. Also, one or two cycles of Act-225 will usually not destroy the salivary glands.
Yes, this treatment is not curative but very effective. More than a Chemo as far as I am aware."
Hi, my husband has late stage PC, we are going this coming week to Jefferson in phila to talk with a doctor there about a clincial trail, study of Lu-PSMA. My husband also has bone mets, many liver tumors. LNs and has gone through all standard of care. Fingers crossed.
Good luck to you and better health.
Sincerely, Lynn/caregiver
HI, I replied to your post earlier, wondering where you are located? I don't think I could talk my husband into traveling to Germany, we live in home suburbs of Phila and he's not even happy about going in town. We are only maybe ten miles or so from Jefferson hospital, but going to Philly takes over an hour. Traffic is brutal..
Wishing you much luck!!! Lynn. Pa
Thank you for your reply. I have friends that have family that live in Germany, but like I said my husband, the world traveler ...Ha!! is not happy about traveling from Ardmore to the city, my husband Sam's cancer started ten years ago, He's exhausted all standard of treatment, now on a chemo every three weeks and rising PSA, please keep us posted about how you are doing. Wondering the difference between the clinical treatment here at Jefferson and the one in Germany? I know more detail after this coming Wednesday.
Good Luck to you also...keep the faith and never give up.
14000 for tandem therapy in Germany... psa 16 to 2.1
How are you doing? My hubby about ready for 2nd treatment in Germany, but liver mets are out of control. Hoping for good results. 1st PSA in Germany 790. 4 weeks after 1st treatment PSA 490. PSA 2 weeks ago went up to 590. Is this common or will it still come down?