Any suggestions for doctors in Seattle? Just beginning to set up a team for most likely some scans, Salvage Radiation, and ADT. Just starting down this path after recurrence. Thanks.
Cancer Drs in Seattle: Any suggestions... - Advanced Prostate...
Cancer Drs in Seattle

My advice is to forget about a "team" when you are pursuing curative salvage radiation. Too many cooks spoil the broth. You need a radiation oncologist more than anything now. I think Dr Meier at Swedish is good. Use a urologist for urological problems. Save the medical oncologist for use if you should become incurable.
EricE has been working with the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and sees Dr. Celest Higano. She has been great and helps manage the care between the different specialist.
Best of luck, Loraine
Thank you, Mrs Eric! Can you tell me what speciality?
Dr Stephen Eulau w/Swedish and Seattle Prostate Institute is an amazing, caring and very responsive doctor.
richkisad, I have had both BCBS and Kaiser, and have experience with doctors in and out of the Kaiser network over the past 4 years.
My recommendations are:
Medical Oncologist: Dr. Celeste Higano at UW and SCCA
Radiation Oncologist (CyberKnife specialist): Dr. Robert Meire at Swedish Radiological Center.